Ordinarily, one would think that a balanced diet produces more than enough nutrients to keep us well, strong and healthy daily. However, with today’s hectic and modern lifestyle, it is impossible to get all body minerals from the food we take in.
Now, this is puzzling as we used to think food is all we need to stay healthy. So, we must figure out a way to supplement the nutrients in our diet, and Vitamins are the way to go.
There are different vitamin types, and the body requires a recommended daily amount of each for varying functions.
For example, we need vitamin K for blood coagulation, vitamin A for improved eyesight, and vitamin D to absorb calcium. Other nutrients are essential for the support of bodily functions such as the skin’s integrity and collagen.
That said, it is worth noting that vitamins cannot substitute for a healthy diet, antibiotics, or medicines, but can only complement these. This article will expand on the reasons why we should take multivitamins regularly.
Importance of Taking Vitamins
Vitamins are a class of organic substances that the body needs for normal function, growth, and development. They are soluble in both fat and water. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble ones, while B1-B12 and 12 are examples of water-soluble vitamins.
Although these substances are present in trace amounts in natural food, they play vital roles in the normal functioning of our body systems. These roles include:
1. Boosts Immune System
With the recent outbreak of viruses and diseases globally, you must keep your immune system functioning optimally to stay in good shape. Fortunately, certain vitamins have been discovered to boost the immune system.
Vitamin D, for example, enhances the protective function of certain blood cells. Meanwhile, vitamins E and C are antioxidants that scavenge free radicals that can harm your body cells. In addition to vitamins, minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc, and others help to strengthen the body's defense against infection.
2. Promotes Better Eyesight
We spend a lot of time in our daily lives looking at digital devices with glaring screens. These gadgets include everything from a small smartphone to a large television. Too much time spent in front of a screen can hasten the progression of certain eye defects. Taking vitamins A, C, and E can help slow down this process and improve your vision.
3. Strengthen Your Bones
Specific vitamins are important for the development of strong bones. For instance, vitamin D, which is produced when our skin is exposed to sunlight, regulates calcium absorption, which is essential for healthy bones. Also, you can get vitamin D from fish, fortified milk, and eggs.
Vitamin K2 also aids in bone formation. They can be obtained from cheese, liver, eggs, meat, and so on.
4. Participation in Metabolism
Vitamins are necessary for your body's metabolism. For example, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Folate, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid (B5) all function as coenzymes in various metabolic processes.
5. Aids Brain Function
A major advantage of taking vitamins is that they help to keep the brain healthy. When the level of homocysteine, an essential amino acid, in the brain crosses a certain threshold, there is an increased risk of Alzheimer's and dementia disease.
However, Folate (B9), Cobalamin (B12), and Pyridoxine (B6) aid in the breakdown of this substance in the brain. The B vitamins also help in the formation of new brain cells.
Furthermore, vitamin E, as an antioxidant, improves brain function by reducing oxidative stress. Meanwhile, supplemental vitamins are also used to treat mental illnesses caused by nutrient deficiencies.
6. Enhances Hair Growth
Hair is the human body's fastest-growing tissue, and vitamins are vital for their growth. For instance, vitamin B5 and D deficiency has been linked to hair loss.
In its action as an antioxidant, vitamin C promotes hair growth by preventing free radical damage. Finally, because vitamin A is associated with cell growth, it is naturally required for hair growth.
7. Improves Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide. That said, one of the many advantages of taking vitamins is to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Cardio-protective effects are provided by vitamin D, vitamin B6, cobalamin (B12), and folic acid.
Furthermore, oxidative stress, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, can be reduced by taking vitamins C and E.
8. Minimizes Cancer Risk
Daily usage of multivitamins has been linked to a lower risk of developing cancer. Also, vitamins play a role in the treatment of side effects associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy for various cancers.
9. Promotes Healthier Skin
Different vitamins play varying roles in developing and maintaining healthy skin. For example, vitamin D creates healthy skin cells. In addition, skin cancer is prevented by the antioxidant properties of vitamins C and E. Vitamin E, in particular, protects your skin from Ultraviolet light damage.
Now, it goes without saying that vitamins play an important role in the daily functioning of body cells. They are best obtained from a well-balanced diet of natural foods.
However, if you have a deficiency, you should consider taking supplements. These supplements should only be taken with a doctor's prescription to avoid taking more than needed.