Storage Solutions For Your Home Office

26 April 2022

Reinvent Your Storage Solutions 

Keeping organised isn’t always easy, especially if you’re working from home in a limited office space. Even the standard office workspace can quickly feel crowded between paperwork, cabling, and last week’s coffee cops - but when you’re home-based, it can be tricky to maintain the divide between home and work. You may also be struggling against piles of laundry in the corner, kids' drawings across your desk, or even moving your home office space from room to room, depending on the day’s requirements. Savvy storage and excellent organisational skills have never been more important to keep your home office tidy and focused.

Finding hacks to keep your space clutter free, but ensuring you have plenty of storage for all of your projects, is a must this year if you want to succeed. A clear office space with order and routine, however your home office interacts with your life, can also help maintain your emotional wellbeing, mitigating stress and boosting productivity. Let’s take a further look for some super useful tips to glow up your home office.


The first step in optimising your home office storage solutions - is decluttering. When was the last time you cleared out the document tray, or really went through what’s sitting on your shelves? Even a small amount of clutter or old paperwork can quickly make a space feel disorganised and claustrophobic, so take time to give your office a proper clear out, and make a plan to stay on top of clutter going forward.

As Kristen Fuller, MD, explores for; “...clutter can contribute to the inability to think clearly, which can contribute to stress and low energy. Clutter can make it difficult to get things done, to find what you need, and to live in an orderly and efficient manner…”. Over time, this mentality developed around clutter can lead to depression, anxiety, fatigue, and loss of motivation. Keeping things clean and tidy is essential to a more efficient home office.

Reclaim Dead Space

Once your workspace is feeling fresh and clear, it’s time to make the most of the space you have. You may have limited desktop space, but what about a blank wall or under desk space - could these be converted into handy storage solutions?

Wire noticeboards can be a great way to store paperwork, memos, or mood boards in a compact way, whilst stacking storage boxes, filing cabinets, or baskets can hold a multitude of office equipment out of sight under a desk top or shelving unit.

Make Use Of Hidden Storage

The last thing you want to do is add more clutter and furniture into your space when you don’t need to. Keep things feeling welcoming and spacious, whilst benefitting from plenty of storage options, by investing in some hidden storage options.

Installing a keyboard tray, for instance, is a wonderfully simple but effective way to free up desktop space when you’re not using your computer. Alternatively, an under-desk drawer can provide ample storage while being hidden from sight - or why not go all out with a completely hidden drawer in a streamlined new desk like the Flexispot Comhar All-In-One Standing Desk EG8? In-built charging ports on this model also mean you can save space on bulky extension cables scattered across your office - another win for savvy storage!

Keep Things Moving

One way to optimise storage whilst keeping your workspace feeling free and fluid is to pop it all on wheels! Having movable storage solutions means you can adapt your space as needed, or even take your storage with you with minimal hassle if you work across various different spaces.

Portable filing cabinets or storage trolleys are a great way to keep things compact whilst safely stored away, without limiting you to a certain office layout - particularly handy if you’re using an under stairs alcove or other transitory space in the home as your office space.