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Standing Desks for Kids: Why Should Every Classroom Have It?

27 May 2021

Sitting for an extended period is unhealthy for kids and adults alike. People who sit for long are prone to many diseases ranging from muscle pains to even cancers. This sedentary way of life has never worked out for anyone, and to combat it, many solutions have been offered from time to time. The most recent answer is to use standing desks instead of regular ones.

Even though they come with numerous benefits for adults, the idea of having standing desks for kids is relatively new. Standing desks in classrooms is an even more recent concept that many may argue against as it's not widely popular. Children are always taught to sit with their backs straight and are always told to sit before doing any critical work. Their daily routine includes more sitting than standing.

Why Do We Need Standing Desks in Classrooms?

For most people, standing desks for kids are useless, and the reasoning behind it is that children are already quite active. However, modern-day children are not exactly living up to this image. Kids are spending more and more time sitting in one place than moving around. Their breakfast, lunch, dinner, homework time, TV time, and other activities require them to sit. 

Moreover, most kids opt to stay inside thanks to technology, then be actively involved in outdoor games. Their eyes are constantly glued to their computers, tablets, or smartphones, which further encourages being slouchy and lazy. This could be one of the biggest reasons why standing desks should be in every classroom. 

There is no better place than a school to promote a healthy habit. Most kids have a hard time listening to their parents, but compliance is not as challenging as authority figures outside of their homes. However, standing desks in schools could have several benefits such as:

It Helps Students Retain Concentration

Younger kids are hard to handle when it comes to making them sit and concentrate. Having a standing desk for them could help a great deal in this matter. Their classroom behavior can also improve by adopting the practice. When kids move around in a specific boundary surrounding their desks, they may focus better as they burn their energy. 

On the other hand, being in one place for hours could make them lazy. The idea is equally beneficial for older kids, too, as standing desks would make their learning process more flexible. Moreover, it has a positive impact on their social behavior and teamwork skills in general too. 

It Makes Them More Active

Obesity in kids is an ever-growing issue in many countries, and unless educational institutions collectively adopt healthy practices to overcome it, more children will continue to be obese. Therefore, standing desks are a reasonable option to begin with. In addition, they also help children get rid of back, neck, and shoulder pain. It is yet another well-grounded reason why standing desks should be in every classroom.

It Adds to a Classroom's Appeal

Well-organized classrooms spark a student's interest and willingness to learn compared to unkempt and congested classrooms. Therefore, when it comes to standing desks, the Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top – 48" W may be your best bet.

 Its pull-out drawer provides integrated storage space that students can use to put their belongings. Moreover, its modern design further adds to the overall appeal of the classroom. Furthermore, the Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top – 48" W occupies minimum space, making it easier to accommodate more students.

It Adds to Their Mental Wellbeing

When your child feels better physically, it also adds to their mental wellbeing. With a small change of using standing desks for kids, you can contribute to your child's increased concentration alongside reduced anxiety and stress. Furthermore, most mood-altering chemicals are linked to standing as it causes increased blood flow. As a result, children stay happy and cheerful throughout.

It Teaches Them the Importance of Healthy Habits

Most children carry their learned habits and behaviors even through their adulthood. Therefore, if they learn better health habits both at home and in school, they will enjoy their benefits in the long run. One way of integrating a healthy practice into their lifestyle is by making them accustomed to standing desks. This way, they learn to stretch, be more active and sit less. 

Standing Desks for Students With ADHD

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common disorders among children. Children who have ADHD tend to exhibit patterns of behavior showing impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. Some of the symptoms that commonly appear in them are: 

Ø Inability to pay attention

Ø Inability to sit still in one place

Ø Difficulty to stay on task

Ø Difficulty in focusing, especially in a classroom setting

Ø Inability to practice self-control

All children don't need to exhibit all these symptoms; however, they are most common. Even though standing desks are not directly associated with reducing ADHD symptoms, they can help alleviate them. 

Students, particularly those with ADHD, have a hard time sitting in one place. Many sources also link the diagnosis of ADHD with the time students are required to sit on a regular school day. Brain activity involves fidgeting, and the act also helps in processing complex problems and thoughts. However, if there is no movement, the brain can turn off, causing the students to sleep. Therefore, standing desks for students with ADHD are not only a requirement but a necessity.

Behavioral Problems in Students With ADHD

Since there are a variety of learners in class, they all have different learning styles. Kinesthetic learners tend to get bored quickly or have Difficulty focusing in class. Providing such students with standing desks could positively affect their alertness, attention, and engagement in the classroom. 

However, students may want to switch between sitting and standing as being in one position for long could cause them discomfort. With Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top – 48" W, it is no longer a challenge. Through its programmable height presets feature, they can adjust the size by pressing a button and transition between standing and sitting smoothly. Moreover, it also allows one desk to be used by multiple people to save their height settings easily.

Unlike most desks, the Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top – 48" W has an adjustment range from 28.3" to 47.6". This makes it compatible with any child's height.

Importance of Standing Desks for Teachers

One of the most crucial reasons Why Standing Desks Should Be In Every Classroom is to facilitate students and teachers alike. Teachers also require a healthy environment to boost their productivity. Despite their busy lifestyles, there is a lot that teachers can gain from having standing desks in the classroom. Mentioned below are some of the benefits teachers can enjoy:

Collaboration Between Students

It is challenging to make younger students work together since they can get distracted easily. By simply standing, they can focus on the given task as a team. Sitting for hours while working could also make the students feel isolated. The importance of giving children space to breathe and interact while using their teachers as a guide is understood now more than ever. This is a skill they take with them and use throughout their lives. Therefore, teaching them skills of collaborating and working as a team should be a priority.

Class Management

Some teachers and professors already have access to standing desks in a classroom. Standing in front of the students can help them manage the class better as compared to sitting. It also gives a sense of power to the teacher while they stand and deliver their lecture. It also helps heighten their alertness. Moreover, if both teachers and students have standing desks in a class, it adds to a more innovative method of teaching and learning. Consequently, the course would be much easier to manage if the students have a pleasant classroom experience.

Changing norms and technological advancements of the modern world have caused more children to be exposed to health risks. Children spend most years of their life sitting and studying or watching content on their devices. It has only contributed to a less than ideal way of living. Most contemporary research already sides with the use of standing desks in classrooms to minimize health risks. Moreover, they help facilitate academic progress, which is enough to question why standing desks should be in every school to rest.