How to Negotiate the Best Salary for Yourself During the Hiring Process

11 October 2022

Failing to properly negotiate your salary during the hiring process can cause you to miss out on a substantial amount of potential income. Unfortunately, negotiating during interviews can often be overwhelming and difficult to do the correct way.

Some people are terrified to even bring the subject up, whether they fear their job offer being rescinded or their potential employer's view of them being tainted. These concerns are holding you back from your full earning potential.

Prepare for negotiation before you get into it, and stay confident during the process. Use the tips below to get the best salary possible for yourself. And of course, don’t forget to check out these 10 habits that successful people share.

Be Likeable

This may sound silly, but it is an incredibly important part of the negotiating process. People will fight for you, listen to your requests, and be more inclined to help if they like you. Anything you do that makes you less likeable reduces your chances of getting the negotiation to go your way.

Being likeable is more than just being polite. You do not want to seem greedy when you ask for the salary you want. You also do not want to be viewed as petty if you point out any flaws in their offer.

You need to be persistent without being annoying. You can learn how others view your approach by practising, either in a mirror or with your friend. Be sure to remember to smile and be firm on what you want.

Make Your Value Known

At the end of the day, the interviewer needs to do more than just like you. They need to be aware of the value that you bring to the table. You are an asset, and you need to let them know that.

You need to ensure that you are worth the offer that you are negotiating. Your proposal will not speak for itself. You will need to tell a story to back up the offer you put forward.

Instead of just saying what you want, also explain why it is justified and deserved. Consider all of your experience, your potential work schedule, and the general pay scale. While doing this, be sure to stay likeable and not demanding, as it is easy to slip from one to the other really quick.

You want to stay firm about your worth without seeming arrogant. Give yourself some wiggle room but stick to your guns. You would make a valuable addition to their company, and the interviewer should know why.

Do Not Play Hard to Get

While you should stick firm to what you want out of the job, you also want to make it known that you will accept the offer if it is reached. Interviewers will not want to bend over backwards to improve offers if they just think you will still say no or if you will try and raise it even higher.

When you are negotiating for a great salary package, make it crystal clear that you seriously want to work for the company you are interviewing with. It can definitely help to explain that you have other offers on the table, but relying on this too much can cause the company to back off, especially if you seem uninterested.

You can mention all of the options you have as a form of leverage and also mention why or what circumstances would make you happy to turn down the other offers to work for the company you are interviewing with.

Figure Out the Non-Negotiables

The interviewer may like you and think you deserve all of what you are asking for. However, they still might not be able to give it to you. There may be non-negotiables that are set in stone which no negotiation can loosen, such as salary caps.

You will need to put in the work to find out what is flexible and what is not. The company may not be able to offer a higher salary to you than other hires, but they may be flexible on the signing bonus given to you.

On the other hand, if your job is a new role, they may be rather flexible on the salary offer but not on other aspects of the package. You will need a good understanding of the company’s non-negotiables to allow the negotiation to go smoothly. If you know the constraints, you are able to propose options that solve problems on both sides of the table.

Consider the Entire Deal

Salary is absolutely important during the hiring process. However, you do not want to get so caught up in the salary that you forget everything else. Job satisfaction comes from other areas, as well, and these need to be negotiated, too.

You should aim to get the salary you want but not at the cost of other important aspects, like your job responsibilities, the location, travel, working hours, growth and promotion opportunities, various perks, support for continued education, and paid time off.

You should decide how and when you want to be rewarded for your hard work. Taking less pay now may lead to a stronger position later on. Consider all the facts and what your future will look like with the company.


Negotiating your salary during the hiring process can be scary, but it does not have to be. You just need to go in prepared and ready to defend why you think you deserve the salary you want. That way, you can avoid having to go through awkward moments of asking for a raise shortly after being hired.

Your time and effort are valuable, and it is up to you to convince your potential employer of that. Once they see your value, getting an appropriate salary should be a breeze.

Practice your negotiation skills with a friend or family member until you feel you are ready to do it for real during your interview.