How Stress and Anxiety Can Wreak Havoc to Your Life When Left Unattended

30 April 2021

The hustle never stops. Every day we are faced with numerous challenges and activities that we have to face with our heads held high. It is easy to get consumed by that routine and continue to work our way up to our goals and ambitions in life. We have low regard for our health because we are too focused on reaching our desires. This is often the root cause of two of the difficult feelings that we are going to face once we do not take proper care of ourselves. This is stress and anxiety. 

The majority of people feel tension and anxiety at some point in their lives. Any demand made on the brain or physical body is referred to as stress. When several competing demands are put on a person, they can report feeling stressed. An incident that causes you to feel frustrated or nervous will cause you to become depressed. Anxiety is a feeling of panic, concern, or uneasiness. It may be a stress reaction or a symptom of people who are unable to recognize major stressors in their lives.

If stress and anxiety start to interfere with your everyday life, it may be a sign of a more serious problem. It might be time to seek treatment if you are avoiding circumstances due to unreasonable fears, continually worried, or having extreme anxiety about a traumatic experience weeks after it occurred. 

In this article, we are going to talk about the toll that stress and anxiety can leave on your body and even affect your overall performance.

Understanding Stress and Anxiety

Fixing stress and anxiety is better done when you know what you are dealing with. You must figure out the tell-tale sales when one is experiencing these two crucial situations. If left unnoticed it can bring negative effects on your body and your cognitive function. 

This pandemic has increased the risk for us to experience stress and anxiety, especially in these troubling times. Once you get a head start and identify the symptoms, you can plan out your move and help you function and perform better. This is highly beneficial knowledge for everyone. This is something that work-from-home professionals need to get a hold of their work-life balance practices. 

With stress and anxiety, it is possible to experience both physical and psychological symptoms as a result of this condition. Chronic stress can manifest itself in two ways on your body. To begin with, the hormones released by your body when you are stressed will cause physiological changes that have a negative effect on your physical appearance. Second, being stressed can lead to bad habits like grinding teeth or chewing your lips that are troubling signs of mental and emotional stress and anxiety.

Some signs and symptoms that anxiety and stress can include but are not limited to:

  • Headache

  • Rapid Breathing

  • Fast Heartbeat

  • Sweating Profusely

  • Shaking

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle Tension

  • Change in Appetite

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Nausea

  • Obesity

Besides the effects it can bring to your physical state, it can also cause emotional and mental symptoms. People who are experiencing stress and anxiety are often driven by pressure and frustrations. When you are feeling listlessness, irrational anger, trouble focusing, nervousness, uneasiness, languish, panic, and sadness, they might signify mental and emotional turmoil.

People who are stressed and anxious for long periods can suffer from negative health consequences. They are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression, as well as panic attacks.

Once you have experienced some of these signs, it is better to take a break and rest. You might also need to consult a professional to help you recover. It is just important to not put these symptoms aside. Please do not take this lightly and do something about it in its early stages. 

How to Handle and Deal with Anxiety and Stress

Some sources of stress, such as a family member's sudden death or an abrupt job loss, are inevitable. The current COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and the feeling of uncertainty for the future have a lot of us sleeping with a troubled mind. The shift of your work dynamic from the office to your home can amplify the stress even more. Seeking ways to deal with stress and reduce avoidable stress, on the other hand, will help you better handle it.

You can deal with stress in a variety of ways, including:

  • Make time for fun things in your schedule. If your busy schedule is overwhelming you, scheduling time for activities that make you feel comfortable can help you reduce stress.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Continue to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of sleep to help the body cope with stress better.

  • Continue to be involved. Exercise will help you reduce stress hormone levels and allow you time to think about something other than the source of your stress.

  • Talk to other people. Many people find that talking to a friend, family member, or mental health professional will help them cope with stress.

  • Drugs and alcohol should be avoided. The use of drugs and alcohol regularly will exacerbate your stress.

When is the Time for You to Seek Assistance?

If you're thinking about hurting yourself or others, you should seek medical attention right away. Anxiety and stress are treatable disorders with a variety of tools, techniques, and therapies available. Speak to your primary care provider about ways to relieve stress and anxiety if you can't contain your fears and it's affecting your everyday life.


Effective stress management allows you to free yourself from the grip that stress has on your life, allowing you to be happier, healthier, and more efficient. The ultimate aim is to live a healthy life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun—as well as the stamina to keep going when things get tough. However, stress management is not a one-size-fits-all solution. That's why it's important to try new things to see what works best for you. If you are looking for more similar articles and tips about anxiety and stress, check out the FlexiWellness Center of FlexiSpot on their website now.