Finding maintaining a tidy desk difficult? Struggling to stay productive amongst a mass of post-it notes, mounds of misplaced papers and rubbish? Clearing your desk can also feel like an unappealing task – but the benefits of having a tidy workspace are worth the effort!
Here are ten simple tips for tidying your workspace with ease, leaving your mind free to focus on what is important:
#1 Declutter
The journey to a clear desk and a clear mind starts with a clear out.
Utilise your bin – anything that you do not regularly use should go.
Donate your excess stationery and lever-arch files to a school or charity. Recycle unneeded paperwork. Throw out pens that don't work and the three thousand paper clips that you will never use.
Get your desk space down to the bare bones.
If you don't have a designated work desk, or perhaps work from home at the kitchen table, invest in a quality standing desk to help your posture and productivity.
#2 Prime position
Think of your desktop as an expensive piece of real estate. Only items which you use every day and have an important function should be rewarded with a spot here.
Whatever you use most should be within reach.
Also ensure your monitor, keyboard and mouse are well-positioned and central to improve your posture.
#3 Build a storage system
Anything that you have not awarded prime position needs to be integrated into a system.
For your essential paperwork, create a simple filing system that you can stick to. You might like a 'To-Do' and 'Completed' paper tray system.
Keep a neat and streamlined stationery drawer or box. Invest in storage solutions that make your work life simpler – check out this handy selection of storage solutions from FlexiSpot.
#4 Digitise
The digital world can be a useful key to unlock more space and a tidier desk.
Digitise everything you possibly can. The time you invest sorting your digital organisation will be repaid by the space you will gain. Plus the advantage of having all of your documents available at the push of a button! Try out cloud-based storage options, like Google Drive or Microsoft's OneDrive.
Reduce your paper use to maintain a clear desk. Regularly scanning in paper documents and not printing wherever possible will help you to stay organised.
#5 Use the height
The available space in your workspace goes beyond your desk worktop! Also consider the height available above your desk to overcome any space shortages.
Using a monitor mount can create more worktop space and also help to improve posture. Many monitor mounts can even hold dual screens.

#6 Keep decoration to a minimum
Resisting the urge to cover your desk with decorations and personal items can be tough.
Minimalism is the best rule to follow to ensure your desk is fit for purpose.
Restrict yourself to one personal item and one decorative item on your desk. You might opt for a health-boosting plant or a useful lamp. For your personal item, perhaps a photograph which brings back lovely memories or a piece of unnecessary but attractive stationery.
All other clutter should be removed to make space for functional items.
#7 Eat away from your desk
As tempting as it is to scoff your lunch at your desk, those crumbs can cause havoc if they escape into the keyboard.
Not only is it better for your wellbeing, productivity and digestion to eat away from your work desk, it is better for your desk's hygiene too!
#8 Give your workspace a deep clean
It's important to regularly wipe down your workspace. Remember to dust down your desktop once per week.
As well as cleaning regular touchpoints, remember to also wipe down your keyboard, mouse and phone daily with a microfibre cloth.
Not only will this benefit your general health, it will also boost your mood (and therefore your productivity) when you next sit down at your sparkling desk space.
#9 Wires away
Use a desk cable duct to keep your computer wires neatly tucked away, preventing entanglements. A DIY alternative can be a simple cable tie or a few large clips.
Adding a CPU holder underneath your desk will also create more space and make your desk area look tidier.
Now that you have found more space underneath your desk, you can utilise it more efficiently. A small set of drawers or a well-organised box can sit comfortably underneath a clear desk.

#10 Maintain it
Now that your desk is in prime condition, the trick is to maintain it.
This means being vigilant against the creep of clutter. Remembering to wipe down your desk at least once a week. And sticking to your new digital filing system.
Invest in a new, spacious desk, like FlexiSpot's range of standing desks which can have huge benefits for your health and productivity.
Brighten your mood by adding a small plant or meaningful photograph to your desk. But remember that a clear and organised desk is a clear and organised mind.