Tips For Clearer Skin

16 May 2022

Pretty much everyone experiences skin troubles at some part of our life - particularly around adolescence - but in reality, a breakout can strike at any time. There are a million products out there that all claim to be the cure-all you’ve been looking for for your skin troubles, and navigating this section of the pharmacy can often be a little overwhelming. In truth, the secret to good skin is often far more simple than big cosmetic companies would like you to believe.

The exact ways in which you look after your skin will be dependent on what kind of skin problems you face. No matter your skin type, let’s go through the most basic ways you can look after your skin and prevent yourself from suffering a breakout.

General Skincare Tips

Avoid touching your face

Avoiding the temptation can be difficult - but you have to try your best. Your hands are full of invisible oils and bacteria that disturb the natural make-up of the surface of your skin. Especially if you’re already prone to breakouts or bouts of sensitive skin - touching these areas will only aggravate the issue. The worst thing you can do if you’re experiencing acne is begin to pick and peel at the problem. Doing so is only likely to lead to scarring and discolouration.  

Always use UV protection

Sun cream is not just for the holidays! Even somewhere as overcast as the UK, using UV protection is a must. Whether or not it's a sunny day, or the sun is hiding behind a veil of clouds, UV rays can still cause your skin damage. Exposure to UV rays not only causes flare ups of sensitive skin, but is also one of the number one causes of skin ageing. Protect your skin all year round with either UV protective foundation, moisturiser, or good old sun cream.

Use lukewarm water

Relaxing though it may be, using hot water on your face can actually cause it to grow damaged over time. The hot water dries out your skin, leaving it starved of the important minerals that keep it healthy and balanced. When washing your face and hands, it's best to keep damage to a minimum and use lukewarm water instead.

Stay hydrated

Your whole body needs water to keep functioning at its best, and the skin is no exception. Your skin cells are exposed to the elements, and therefore are most at risk of environmental damage. Making sure these cells are packed full of hydration helps to protect them, and keeps your skin looking healthy and refreshed.

Get plenty of nutrients

Like the rest of your body, your skin is heavily impacted by the fuel you put into your body. Diets packed full of sugar and saturated fats are highly likely to trigger breakouts, and a varied diet is needed to maintain good skin. Consuming healthy sources of nutrients such as legumes, vegetables, and lean protein sources while avoiding triggers such as sugar and milk allows you to improve your skin with what you eat.

Improve sleep hygiene

Without proper sleep, the body cannot properly regenerate. You’ll notice that in periods where you’re sleeping irregularly and feel run down, your skin will react in breakouts. Prevent these stress-related breakouts by getting a good night’s sleep at a regular hour.

Oily Skin

Wash your hair daily

If you’re prone to oily skin, the likelihood is that you have an oily scalp. These oils make their way down onto your facial skin and can exacerbate your oiliness. Washing your hair daily prevents the build up of these scalp oils, keeping your skin oil-free.

Use oil-free products

If your skin is prone to oiliness, adding more oil to the mix is the last thing you need. Go with oil-free facial shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, and cleanser to avoid an oily build-up.

Use toner

Oily skin tends to break out because dirt and impurities build up in the skin’s pores and result in inflammation. Toner helps to tighten up the skin and close these pores, leaving less chance for those pesky pimples to form.

Dry Skin

Moisturise immediately after washing

Moisturisers are designed to trap moisture in the skin. In order to transport this much moisture, it needs to be done immediately after drying your face - whether that be after a face wash, shower, or bath.

Use gentle cleansing methods

Aggressively exfoliating or cleansing your skin can lead to irritation or even being stripped of the natural oils and minerals your skin needs to stay healthy. Instead of causing irritation and imbalance with aggressive cleaning methods, gently wash your face with an alcohol-free cleanser designed for sensitive skin.

Use fragrance-free products

Alcohol and fragrances tend to dry the skin out even further, making them an absolute no-go for people who are already prone to dry or flaky skin.

Having healthy skin will leave you feeling more confident overall - don’t let your skin suffer, try these skin-saving tips today.