5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Spine

13 May 2022

Every now and then, we may crack a few jokes about the potential challenges of growing old. Picturing your once-fit friends with back pains, struggling to stand upright someday will probably crack you up.

However, beyond the smiles and laughter, we are aware that this condition can be more severe than it may seem on the surface.

We also know that, apart from the obvious discomfort it brings, back pain threatens the quality of our lives, making our everyday lives less enjoyable.

Furthermore, it becomes more difficult to carry out some of our daily tasks with pains in our backs. In fact, we may become unable to engage in our regular social activities or even go to our workplace.

Interestingly, back pain is not a condition that suddenly appears but often builds up over a long period. In essence, the condition results from practising damaging long-term habits over time, negatively impacting the spine.

But if these bad habits are replaced with the right ones, the spine will stay in good condition. Read further to discover ways to keep your spine healthy and strong.

1. Exercise regularly

Adequate exercise plays a vital role in keeping the spine healthy. And just as a proper exercise routine will help maintain a healthy spine, an injured spine will benefit from it.

A good exercise regimen for the spine doesn't have to include complex activities and workouts. Instead, your backbone will do just fine with simple stretching, strengthening, and aerobic exercises.

These simple workouts aim to properly direct the flow of nutrients to the soft tissues surrounding your spine.

Meanwhile, the exercises also help maintain the normal functioning of your spinal discs, joints, muscles, and ligaments to reduce the risk of injury.

2. Maintain a good sleeping position

The primary purpose of sleep is to rest the physical body, including the spine.

However, the body may sometimes not be relaxed even during sleep, which could result from poor sleeping posture, thereby negatively impacting the spine.

That said, some measures can be taken to ensure that your backbone is well rested during sleep. For instance, a firm mattress will help your spine relax during sleep. So, it is advised that you sleep on a firm mattress to support your spine.

Another measure you can take is to ensure that your spine is always naturally aligned while you're asleep.

For instance, if you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees to reduce the strain on your lower back and straighten your backbone. Meanwhile, if you are a side sleeper, place a cushion between the knees to balance your hips.

You could infer that sleeping is not enough to maintain good spine health; you must also make sure to lie in a proper position that does not put your backbone at risk of injury.

3. Practice proper ergonomics

Your lower spinal discs are more strained when sitting than standing. Hence, sitting for long periods can cause or exacerbate a painful back condition.

Moreover, while sitting, you are naturally inclined to slouch or take any other bad posture, thereby placing more strain on your spinal discs.

So, what do you do when you can't avoid sitting for long periods - like in your office?

While urging one to maintain a good sitting posture is good advice, asking one to purchase the right office chair is even better.

Flexispot has chairs that support the lower back, keep the knees at a right angle, and comfortably place the feet on the floor.

4. Lift objects right

If not done correctly, carrying an object poses a risk to the spine.

On reading this, you may be tempted to avoid lifting altogether, but there are situations where you have to get your hands dirty - literally. So, it is advised that you learn how to lift objects correctly.

Here's how to lift - stand close to the item, and raise the object with your lower body rather than your back or torso.

It is best to bend your knees to allow your arms to be the same height as the object. Also, ensure that your head is down and your back is straight.

5. Stay active

Indeed, a sedentary lifestyle, especially while at work, can increase your risk of developing back pains.

That said, moving your body at regular intervals helps keep your spine in good condition. So, make a conscious effort to keep your body moving always.

A desk bike, for instance, will help your body stay active while remaining productive at work.


Back pain is an annoying condition that may linger for a long time. And quite frankly, no one should have to deal with this discomfort.

Hence, you should ensure that your backbone is not at risk of being injured or inflamed. It would help if you practised the tips mentioned above to keep your spine healthy and strong.