10 Signs of Untrustworthy Leaders

09 November 2021

Every employee is aware that your immediate boss sets the tone for your professional relationship. Even if it isn't your desired work, it could be a terrific job for you if your employer is fantastic. It doesn't matter how much you appreciate the work on your desk if your boss is a monster; you'll despise your job regardless. Your supervisor has the power to either offer you a raise or leave you at your current salary. We want to have faith in our leaders. They're meant to be the ones who lead us through our responsibilities. Regrettably, not all bosses are trustworthy individuals. 

The amount of fear in many companies is one of the most severe issues in the professional world. Instead of having fun addressing challenging situations with other bright people, employees tiptoe around trying to keep out of trouble. Work should be innovative, friendly, and personal in nature. Unfortunately, fear-based workplaces are easier to come by than balanced, trust-based ones. You won't be able to grow your flame if you simply can not trust your leader. You're concerned your employer won't like it if you speak in your own voice. If you find yourself in this circumstance, it's time to consider your next job step.

Working for a company you trust and respect is critical to your overall health, happiness, and productivity at work. These danger signs indicate that your boss does not value your trust, and it may be time to turn the page.

Taking Credit For Other's Work

Taking Credit For Other's Work

When your manager assigns you to a temporary assignment, you want to feel appreciated. The presentation day arrives, and the supervisor does not refer to you or any other individuals who worked so hard on it. Sadly, there isn't much you can do at that point. 

Keep a few facts, data, and research to yourself, and be sure to bring them up during the meeting. People will regard you as an authority on the subject if you do it this way. Also, be cautious about how you present fresh ideas and collaborate with your supervisor. They're less inclined to take credit for your suggestions if you bring them up in front of several coworkers.

Gossiping and Back-Stabbing

Your manager is untrustworthy if they whine to you about your coworkers or higher-up management. Anyone who gossips to you is also talking about you. If your employer is prepared to say hurtful things about other employees in front of you or behind their back, it's safe to assume they'll do the same to you and many others. This demonstrates that they don't seem to bother about what you've told them in private or about their employees' feelings.

Ensure you don't disclose to your supervisor anything about yourself that you don't want the rest of the company to know. If you're experiencing problems with something at work, find other individuals or coworkers to ask.

Keeping A Closed-Door Policy

Keeping A Closed-Door Policy

Because part of being a manager is to be open to questions, assist you with things you're having trouble with, and overall be your go-to expert, it's an issue when they become unresponsive. If your supervisor does not appear friendly, you may not be able to trust them. It makes you feel as if you are unable to approach them with inquiries or concerns. It's possible to misread the situation, so seek their advice and problem-solving assistance before coming to any conclusions. The response may surprise you, and they may be able to remedy the problem right away.

Sensitivity to Criticism and Blaming Others

A pathological narcissist, as is typical of the personality type, is extremely sensitive to criticism. Even when rational and warranted, negative comments jeopardize their glorified self and put them in danger of psychological harm. Anger pretended disinterest, and justifications are all common responses to criticism. Furthermore, many of these personalities excel at accusing others of their own failings. It's always the fault of someone else.

Leaving Out Important Details / Lying

Leaving Out Important Details / Lying

A prime example is when you're in a meeting, and your employer clearly states that it is not a disciplinary meeting, only to find out afterward that it is. Ensure you have a written trail for any of these occurrences. Some of these actions might be deemed lying or just deceitful, but if it's something severe that happens frequently, you'll want to keep track of it. Report it to HR or your boss' manager if things are going bad enough, and you're prepared to risk your job.

Making You An Example 

Employers have a responsibility to educate their workforce on both a personal and professional level, including being sensitive to any vulnerabilities and never making anyone feel awkward in front of their coworkers. If your supervisor is openly sniping at you or trying to make an example of you in group meetings, something is wrong, and you can't trust them right now. It shouldn't matter what you did or didn't do if your supervisor is upset with you; they won't be your ally.

Obsession With Metrics

Obsession With Metrics

Baselines are merely one component of a sound management system. Managers who are excessively focused on achieving every target every day lack the courage to lead through confidence. That is the only type of management who is deserving of your abilities.

Making Decisions Beneficial Only To Them

Employees suffer the most when their leader does not prioritize their team's happiness and contentment over their own self-gain. It also produces a toxic condition in which anxiety levels are high. You may tell a manager isn't dedicated to the organization's objective when they perform things that benefit them personally rather than making the often tough decisions that impact a larger group. When things are rough, you can bet they'll strive to save themselves immediately.

Taking The Spotlight

Taking The Spotlight

Many managers thrive on being the focus of attention, which they do through commanding meetings, phone calls, and email exchanges. They frequently remind people of their triumphs and efforts and why their suggestions and recommendations deserve extra consideration throughout these sessions. Some employers may use these occasions to be arrogant and belittle people. They enjoy gaining as much power and influence as possible.


Acting confidently so that your team never questions that you're with them and want to see them succeed is vital for taking care of a business. A boss with poor self-esteem, on the other hand, may snap out at anyone perceived as a threat. Often, a loud demeanor conceals insecurity. The apparent threat of expertise in others exacerbates these concerns. In this situation, even doing your work may be perceived as overstepping your limits, which might hamper career advancement. Be aware of supervisors who are highly concerned with what others perceive of them; they'll put more emphasis on appearing to be doing a great job than really accomplishing one. These are the indicators that you're more anxious than usual.

Dealing with an untrustworthy supervisor is difficult, but you can try to correct the situation. It's necessary to shift jobs if things get too bad. A job isn't worth anything if you have to deal with a dreadful superior. You can use a variety of tactics and abilities to restore wellness, stability, and respect. Learn how to keep your cool, be proactive rather than reactive, say "no" gracefully but firmly, and effectively engage with awful bosses.