Crafting Your Ideal Home Gym

15 April 2024

It seems like there is another fitness trend in 2024 that is steadily climbing the popularity charts – home gyming! More people are now looking forward to creating their gym at home, utilizing whatever space they have to make things as optimal as possible.

This is also evident if you see just how many people are buying gym equipment online. Not only that, you can also take a look at the sheer number of DIY home gym videos and vlogs on Instagram and Pinterest.

However, if you're thinking about doing the same, this blog is for you. Why? Well, that's because we will cut right through the chatter and provide you with straightforward tips and practical strategies you can use to create a feasible, affordable, and versatile gym at your humble abode. So, without further ado, let's dive straight in.

Your Exercising Preferences and Goals Will Help You Identify the Type of Equipment and Amount of Space You Need

Before you buy any type of equipment or start converting any extra space into a workout room, it is very important to first sit down and plan what types of workouts you enjoy doing the most. Then write down the types of fitness goals you wish to pursue. Your answers are going to be key in determining the amount of space you require and the types of workout equipment you need.

For example, if you love doing yoga, then simply put, you would need a bit of space, a yoga mat, a couple of yoga blocks, straps, etc., and a TV set up to look at yoga videos while exercising – that's pretty much it. There's no use to splurge on buying dumbbells or Olympic bars and weights just to give your room a "gym-feel".

Similarly, if you enjoy doing moderate to intense cardiovascular exercises and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), then we would suggest buying an exercise cycle a rowing machine, or a treadmill depending on your budget.

Then, gradually invest in affordable or preowned lightweight dumbbells and other weights. In addition, focus on the spacing in the room, your emphasis should be on leaving enough space for large machines such as treadmills or rowing machines.

In addition, it is also a good idea to invest in a standing desk in the corner of the room for when you want to take a break.

Look For Adequate Space to Make a Home Gym

The spot you designate for a home gym is going essentially to rely on the types of exercises, workout routines, and equipment you're planning to buy or (already have). For instance, for cardiovascular and aerobic exercises, you can easily convert a spare bedroom.

For high-intensity interval training combined with weight lifting, it is a good idea to go for a bigger space, such as a garage. However, if you live in a flat and don't have access to a garage, you could switch bedrooms, and dedicate the bigger bedroom to creating a home gym.

You can also use your driveway and backyard to create an outdoor home gym. Heck, even if you have a big living room, you can dedicate a portion of it to building a home gym.

Buy Equipment As Needed

While it can be hard to resist buying every essential gym equipment there is, fancy or normal, when you feel excited about creating a workout regimen and are just as motivated. However, it is smarter to be patient and to invest in gym equipment one step at a time and as needed. This is especially true when you aren't sure about the amount of space you have in your home and are just figuring things out.

So when you're planning out things about your home gym, such as the layout, amount of room you have, your fitness goals, etc. it doesn't make sense to splurge on gym equipment. Buy the essentials first and build from there.

For example, if you want to perform cardiovascular exercises, buying a treadmill and an exercise cycle doesn't make sense. You can perfectly commit to your training goals with just an exercise cycle. As you grow more consistent with your workout schedule and grow more motivated to use your home gym at least three to four times a week and get stronger at the same time, then you can consider investing in advanced or fancy gym equipment.

Knowing the Type of Gym Essential You Need

While a peloton does sound nice, if your gym goals don't include spinning, it is safe to say that you are never going to use that piece of equipment. Similarly, if you don't enjoy running, you shouldn't buy a treadmill.

And if you never trained with weights, it makes sense to get a couple of resistance bands to start getting a feel of bodybuilding and building strength before moving on to dumbbells and other free weights.

As a rule of thumb, center your gym essentials around the type of workout you wish to perform and your fitness goals. Moreover, you should also consider getting an ergonomic chair for your home gym to relax between sets.

Bottom Line

So there you have it, a simple look into how anybody who wishes to commit to their wellness goals and wants to grow stronger can create their home gym. However, it is important to pay mind to your space, invest only in the type of gym equipment you need, and consider remaining motivated enough to use your home gym before adding more equipment to the mix.