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Best Sleeping Positions To Improve Your Quality of Sleep

01 February 2023

Your body repairs and rejuvenates as you sleep. The degree to which your sleeping posture supports your spine's natural curvature influences how well it works throughout the night. It is common among people to experience  new aches and pains upon waking due to inappropriate sleeping position.

About 1/3rd of our lives are spent sleeping or relaxing, so it's crucial to choose a posture that helps your body physically recuperate while you're sleeping. On the other hand, an uncomfortable sleeping posture might exacerbate back, arm, or shoulder discomfort or stiffness and lead to a worse night's rest.

Which Exactly is the Best Sleeping Position?

The best way to sleep is in a position that keeps your spine straight from your hips to your head. However, it is subjective and depends on how your health is and what makes you feel good.

There are some positions that are thought to be better for your health than others. In particular, people think that sleeping on the side or back is better than sleeping on the stomach. In either of these sleeping positions, it's easier to support and balance your spine, which takes pressure off the tissues in your spine and lets your muscles relax and heal.

But don't feel like you have to change if sleeping on your stomach is comfortable for you. With the right mattress and pillow, you can lessen your risk of pain and improve the way your spine is aligned.

Different ways to sleep have different benefits that may help you if you have back pain, are pregnant, have allergies, have acid reflux, or have another health problems. In these cases, you might want to try a different sleep position to help you sleep better. In a recent study, adults who had back pain were taught how to sleep on their backs or sides. In just four weeks, they were feeling a lot better.

Getting used to a different way to sleep takes time, but it is possible. Have patience and use pillows to help your body get used to the new position. Keep reading to explore the best sleeping position for yourself.

1. Foetal Position

To sleep in the foetal position, you lay on your side with your legs bent and curled in toward your body. It is one of the most common ways to sleep, and for a good reason. Not only is sleeping in the foetal position good for people with lower back pain or who are pregnant, but it can also help stop snoring.

However, there are a few bad things about sleeping in the foetal position. Make sure your posture isn't too tight. If it is, your comfortable position could stop you from taking deep breaths while you sleep. Also, if you have joint pain or stiffness, sleeping in a tight foetal position might make you sore in the morning.

Sleeping Tip: If you want to be more comfortable in the foetal position, make sure your body is loose and relaxed. Keep your legs pretty far apart. You can also try putting a pillow between your knees when you sleep.

2. Sleeping on Your Side

While lying on your side is quite similar to the foetal position, your legs are not tucked up against your body. While sleeping in the foetal position has health benefits, sleeping on your side does, too. As an added bonus, it also aids digestion and may lessen heartburn.

Although sleeping on your side has its advantages, it may not be an optimal position for everyone. It might lead to shoulder stiffness as well as jaw tightness on the affected side. If you suffer from low back discomfort, placing a cushion between your legs might help realign your hips.

Sleeping Tip: It's important to have a nice pillow if you sleep on your side to prevent discomfort in the neck and back. You should feel free to sleep on whatever side is most comfortable for you, but if that isn't the case, try something else.

3. Lying on Your Stomach

If we had to give a rating to different sleeping positions, sleeping on your stomach will be the lowest. However, if you suffer from sleep apnea or snore, this is the ideal position for you to sleep in. Though, it doesn’t have much advantages.

Experts do not recommend stomach sleeping as it may lead to back and neck problems. Moreover, it might put undue stress on your muscles and joints, which could explain why you've been feeling weary and uncomfortable in the mornings. If you're experiencing back discomfort, try placing a cushion beneath your lower tummy.

Sleeping Tip: To alleviate neck pain when sleeping on your stomach, consider using a thin head pillow or going pillow-less. If you're experiencing lower back discomfort, consider putting a cushion beneath your pelvis.

4. Lying on Your Stomach

One of the healthiest sleeping positions is on one's back. Besides shielding your spine from harm, it may also ease aches and pains in your hips and knees.

When you sleep on your back, gravity helps you maintain a neutral spine position. Doing so may relieve strain on your spine and body. You may assist support your back's natural curvature by placing a cushion between your knees.

In addition, if you're concerned about premature facial wrinkles, sleeping on your back is the way to go. On the other hand, those people who snore or have sleep apnea may find it difficult to sleep on their backs.

Sleeping Tip: If you tend to sleep on your back, propping up your knees with a cushion will help alleviate some of the strain placed on your spine. You may also try elevating your head on a few pillows to help clear your airways if you're congested.

Final Word

Your sleeping position affects your sleep quality more than you can think. Try keeping a sleep diary for a week or two to help you figure out the best way for you to sleep. You can keep track of patterns in your sleeping habits and the quality of your sleep so you can figure out what's working and what's not.

If different sleeping positions do not help, consider buying an electric bed or adjustable bed that comes with a suitable bed frame. These beds reduce pressure permitting for increased blood flow to the heart and entire body therefore, they can help improve your sleep quality.