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How To Boost Your Wellness This May

17 May 2022

May is one of the most popular months of the year.

With warm weather and fun holidays, it's a month we always look forward to. Key dates to note are Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars Day, but what else is excellent about May?

We've put together the ultimate guide to help you feel better this May. It's essential to check in with yourself monthly to see how you're feeling mentally and physically. This helps prevent burnout and excess stress, leaving you as happy as possible.

Want to know how to make May the best month ever? Keep reading for more.

Why Is May So Great?

As you can probably tell, we're big fans of May.

This month sees spring in full bloom and hot summer days are on the horizon. Animals are out, flowers are blooming, and everyone's mood tends to be better - even while at work! Perhaps this is a very optimistic view, but it's always better to look on the bright side.

Some say May is actually named after the Roman goddess "Maia". Maia was in charge of the growth of plants, which fits well for this springtime month. May is a great month for anyone starting a new business venture or hobby, as it's a time to start growing!

May is jam packed full of celebratory days, too, perfect for anyone who wants to celebrate. Keep reading if you want to know how to have the best May ever.

How To Work Well In Spring

Before we jump into the top tips, we'll quickly give you some work tips for May. In some areas, May is a hotter month, leading to uncomfortable working conditions. To avoid feeling uncomfortable at work, try out some of these tips.

Stay hydrated! Hydration is key to staying mentally focused in hotter climates.

Wear layers. Layers are essential for unpredictable weather. Bonus tips if you opt for thin cotton fabrics.

Avoid the hottest hours of the day. If you can help it, stay indoors when the weather gets too hot. This will save you energy and direct sun exposure.

Beat your allergies. Many of us have to face dreaded pollen allergies in springtime. Don't let these take away your productivity! Instead, remember your tablets before work.

Sit comfortably. Heat makes us uncomfortable, but an ergonomic office chair can take some of this pain away.  

Most of us want to ditch work and chill out in the heat when the sun comes out. Sadly, this isn't always possible. Ensure you're comfortable while working with these tips for the May weather.

Top Tips For A Great Work-Life Balance This May

Wellness is everything. If you feel that your mental health needs a boost, use some of these May tips for some self-care. Always put yourself first!

Enjoy May's Nature

Nature is in bloom during May. This happens once a year for many of us, so take the chance to appreciate it while you can. Whether you walk or go for a picnic in a local park, meet up with friends and take time to chill out with Mother Nature.

Nature-lovers should also note that May 16th is hug a tree day. Try to spend this day out in the park, but you can enjoy a wooden desktop instead if you can't!

Treat Yourself To A Cosmo

Work life can be stressful. Sometimes a cocktail with friends is needed! If you want an excuse to meet up with your besties for a drink, choose May 7th - National Cosmopolitan Day. A chilled cocktail is the best way to enjoy the weekend, especially in warm weather. Plus, connecting with friends will take your mind off work.

Meal Plan For Wellness

Wellness often starts with your diet. You are what you eat, so make sure you're including balanced food groups in your daily meals. If you need some inspiration to get some extra vegetables, celebrate National Asparagus Day on May 24th. Asparagus relieves inflammatory problems and boosts vitamins E and C - perfect for anyone who wants some additional health benefits.

Get Organized

While some of us aren't naturally organized, you must try to arrange your work and home life. This will reduce stress and surprises, allowing you to be on top of your life. Consider getting organized on National Memo Day - May 21st. This day celebrates all things memos, reminding us how important it is to put pen to paper.

The Bottom Line

Checking in with your mental wellbeing is essential. Try to reassess your daily habits every month, as this will allow you to adapt when needed. Also, you can take this time to book celebrations and days out with friends! Make this month the best.

Want more work and life tips? Explore the Flexispot blog here.