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6 Ways to Increase Your Productivity and Concentration at Work

24 January 2022

It's no secret that working remotely is a lot easier than it used to be. However, this freedom can also produce a few unexpected problems. Most remote workers eventually run into productivity issues like distractions and lack of concentration, which can ultimately result in poor work quality.

To avoid these complications, we've put together this list of tried and tested tips for improving your productivity and concentration at work. Here are six tips you can use to make sure you're doing your best work possible when working remotely:

1. Put your phone away

This may sound silly, but many workers use their phones as a crutch. Whether you're finding yourself scrolling through Instagram all day or mashing out texts to your friends and loved ones, you're also adding to your work stress by taking time away from it. Make yourself put your phone down before getting on with work.

2. Step away from the computer

Even though this is common sense, it's important to incorporate breaks into your daily schedule in order to avoid the effects of burnout. It's difficult to stay focused when you're sitting still for long periods of time, especially if you're not getting enough exercise. Even a short walk every hour or two will help combat the effects of being sedentary, which means you're going to have a much better chance of concentrating at work.

Taking regular breaks during the day can help you focus and refresh your mind and body for longer hours at work. Even if you're just going to stand outside in the garden for 15 minutes, it will help you regain your focus when you return.

3. Make a to-do list

One significant factor for people who struggle with concentrating at work is that they might be disorganised and possibly overwhelmed by all the things they need to do each day. Even if you're a super organised person who does all of your tasks in advance, there's no harm in making a to-do list to keep on top of things.

When you sit down at your computer, take out a sheet of paper or a notebook and then list any tasks that need to be accomplished for the day. This will help keep you on track and less likely to lose focus. If you feel yourself drifting, you can pull out the list and make a game out of crossing things off of your list.

4. Get some quality sleep

If you're finding it hard to concentrate, you're probably not getting enough sleep. It's no secret that lack of sleep is bad for your health. You'll be able to get more accomplished if your personal energy meter is full.

Studies show that even an hour-long nap can help people be much better at their jobs. So, try to make the time for some sleep every day - especially if you're working all day. Create a peaceful bedtime ritual to help you wind down and try not to go to bed too late. And make sure you limit your consumption of stimulants like caffeine and nicotine.

5. Make sure you're getting the right nutrients

While you work at home, make sure that you're eating healthy food and snacks throughout the day. This is something we can often forget to do - but it's hard to stay focused and concentrate when you don't have the right fuel in your body.

Educate yourself on the right diet for your body type. There are various dietitians and nutritionists who can help you with practical advice on what foods to eat, how much to eat, and what kinds of foods you should avoid so you can focus better at work without worrying about diet or calories.

6. Make sure you have an ergonomic workstation

Another common mistake we tend to make when working from home is having a workspace that's unfit for purpose. We often forget that in order to be productive and focus properly, we need the right workspace set-up - that includes having a supportive chair, a desk at the correct height for you, the right accessories, and adequate lighting. Having uncomfortable furniture can cause back and neck pain, as well as other ailments, which can distract due to discomfort.

Ergonomic office equipment should have several adjustments to suit your specific body type and requirements. If your current workspace is uncomfortable, you might need to consider an alternative.

Ultimately, you, as a remote worker, can find ways to be more productive and concentrate while you're working from home. By following the tips above, you'll have a much better chance of staying focused.

Be sure to ask for help if you need it - it might not be easy in the beginning, but once you get into the swing of things, it will become much easier!