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6 Health Tips for Creative Individuals Who Work Long Hours

26 August 2021

Sitting for lengthy periods, whether for a day, a week, or a year takes several years off your life and increases your risk of developing undesired health complications. Using a standing desk allows you to work more imaginatively and effectively, enjoy your work for extended periods, and prevent stress.

Even if you appear to have no issue coming up with numerous excellent ideas as a creative person, there is one practice you may have that is weighing you down beyond your knowledge: sitting! Sitting, as unlikely as it may seem, can actually hinder your creative talents. So, as unconventional as it may sound, it may be time to give up sitting and try standing instead. Standing desks are becoming increasingly widespread in the workplace, and there could be something to this phenomenon.

How can creative people stay healthy mentally and physically?

Long hours in the workshop or study, always busy with your hands and mind, these pressures will inevitably impact your health. While many artistic people want to work night and day to perfect their skills, it is essential to keep in mind that you are only human. And you can't make the best creations unless you're healthy and happy.

We've compiled a list of some health tips for creative types like writers and artists to help you feel your best both mentally and physically.

Businessmen working on project

Stay Hydrated

While this one should go without saying, it might be tough to stay hydrated when you're in a creative rush. Particularly as most health doctors recommend drinking 64 ounces of water every day in addition to your meal and drink intake. Draw a line every several ounces on a big clear plastic water bottle with a sharpie to mark how much you'd like to drink every hour. This reminds you to take a drink every once in a while, you won't have to replenish your glass continually, and your water intake isn't as intimidating.

Cleanse Your Workspace

It is critical to consider your long-term well-being. If you only accomplish one thing, make it the removal of toxins from your workplace. Do an inventory and double-check the airflow in your room. If you are concerned that your materials are in the same spot where you sleep and eat, you should probably create a separate workplace. You might even want to consider an upgrade. Whether you paint, design, cut, sew, or write, being focused is essential. Sit-stand desks make it far easier to switch between sitting and standing, permitting any creative individual to freely switch up to get the brilliant juices (and blood) running.

Get Rid of Stress and Worries

Taking care of your mental health is as paramount as taking care of your physical wellness. Whether you choose to meditate or actively strive to conquer your concerns as a creative person, getting rid of tension and worry will make you feel better in general.

High angle view of young businessman stretching hands while sitting at workplace near gadgets and papers

Stretch Regularly

Whatever posture you adopt to produce, whether perched on a stool or crouching over a tabletop, you are certainly placing stress on the spine. Stretch your back routinely before and after creative work to keep the soreness at bay. Experiment with stretches such as easy twists and yoga positions. You can find free video demonstrations on YouTube. When sitting, you could also use ergonomic chairs to keep you comfy and your back supported; just don't sit for long stretches of time. Your back isn't the only thing you should be concerned about. Your prized creative tools, aka your hands and wrists, can also become tight from misuse, so stretch them as well.


It is sometimes essential to pull away from your chaotic life and find tranquillity again through meditation. Easing up the mind not only relieves tension but can also aid in recapturing creativity. If you wish to try meditation on your own, choose a quiet, comfy place where you can count your breaths and regather your thoughts when your mind wanders. You can follow guided meditations on YouTube in between artistic breaks.

Sit, Stand, Repeat

Sit, Stand, Repeat

Both sitting and standing have advantages. If you like to sit, try to move around and stretch at least twice per hour. Set an alarm to remind yourself to take a stretch session. Standing is excellent for strengthening your muscles and strengthening your back. If you primarily create and work on a laptop, you can make your own standing desk out of thick books, cardboard boxes, or dressers. Do not spend the entire day frozen in place, and you may also wear supportive shoes and use a cushioned anti-fatigue mat to prevent strain on your feet. Change positions, stretch, and move around. Your best bet would be to invest in a height-adjustable electric standing desk.

Ergonomic stools are excellent for encouraging active sitting, which helps to keep the core muscles engaged and your mind awake. Have you also considered substituting an exercise ball for your work stool? It isn't just for hipster millennial office employees. These balls are fantastic for strengthening your core muscles and alleviating back discomfort.

Keep in mind that varying your positions throughout the day is most important. Standing or sitting alone may cause you further discomfort. Switch up every so often to reap the benefits of your ergonomic equipment.

If you want or need to cleanse your thoughts of tension or stretch out your muscle soreness, prioritizing your health will benefit your creative profession. Consider what you could create if you weren't limited by discomfort or exhaustion. Take these suggestions and notice how much better you feel.