10 Tips For Getting Yourself Holiday Ready

12 July 2022

Covid-permitting, many of us will have exciting holidays planned during the summer holidays. For many, this will be our first holiday for a while, after the pandemic caused us to postpone or even cancel our plans. To save that mad dash around trying to finalise everything at the last minute, why not take your time and get yourself holiday-ready in plenty of time? After all, the planning and preparation can be fun, as you get yourself in the holiday mood early on. Just imagine all the outfit planning, beauty preparation and activity choosing! But with so much to sort out, where do you start?

In this article, we summarise our top 10 tips for getting yourself holiday-ready, so that you can travel stress-free.

1. Check Your Passports And Travel Documents Are In Order

The first and most important preparation for your trip is checking that all of your documents are in order. Do you and all of your fellow travellers have valid passports? Are all of your tickets ready and have they been printed out if needed? Do you need any COVID status certifications? Make sure that you also have copies of your travel insurance documentation, airport parking details and your driving licence if you are hiring a car while you are away.

2. Plan Out Your Holiday Activities Carefully

When travelling on holiday, it is important to make the most of every day. If you just turn up without any plans, it is likely that you won’t be able to organise and fit in everything that you want to see and do. If you carefully plan out your days before leaving, you can make sure that everyone gets to do the activities that make them happy. That being said, be careful not to plan out every second of every day. Remember that a holiday is for relaxing and unwinding, so take some time out for yourself to rest and recuperate.

3. Leave A Clean Home

Coming home from your holiday is hard enough without being confronted with a messy and unclean home. If you take the time to give your home a deep clean before your holiday, you will thank yourself for it in a few weeks. Don’t forget to change everyone’s bed sheets and to sort the laundry out - after all, you will have plenty to tackle when you arrive back! You might want to clear the garden as well and mow the lawn, so the outside of the house also looks tidy on your return.

4. Clear Out The Fridge And Take The Bins Out

While cleaning your house out, don’t forget to take out the bins and clear out the fridge - you don’t want to come home to a rotten smell! Plan out your meals for the last few days at home so that you are not left with lots of fresh food in the fridge that will just go to waste. You could even treat yourself to a nice takeaway on the night before you travel. Take the bins out and ask one of your neighbours to put them at the front of your house and bring them back in for you on your refuse collection day.

5. Plan Your Outfits

To make your holiday packing as efficient as possible, it is a good idea to plan out a small yet practical capsule wardrobe. This should contain key items that will mix and match together nicely to make a choice of stylish outfits. If you base your key items on a particular colour palette, then they are more likely to blend together nicely. Make sure each piece is practical and versatile. Plan your outfits based on the activities that you are likely to be doing - are you going to spend most of your time by the side of the pool, or out sightseeing and exploring?

6. Carry Out Your Beauty Prep

Wherever you are off too, make sure you take the time for some beauty prep before you travel. If you are off on a beach holiday, a good beauty prep routine can get you beach-ready in no time. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself feeling and looking great. This might include waxing, exfoliating, moisturising, self-tanning and a manicure. Book any beauty treatments that you need well in advance and arrange to get your hair coloured and trimmed if needed. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water to keep yourself glowing on the inside and out.

7. Stock Up On Any Prescription Medication

Before travelling, make sure that you have ordered and collected any prescription medication that you currently take and that all your fellow passengers have done the same. It is a good idea to take a copy of your repeat prescription along with you. Don’t forget to pack any over-the-counter medicines that you might need.

8. Write A Packing Checklist

Don’t make the mistake of starting your holiday packing without a comprehensive checklist. The last thing you need is to forget items from your carefully planned outfits. Take your time and make sure that you include all of your essentials on the list. Write a specific list for each passenger with all the items that are important to them.

9. Sort Out Care For Your Pets

Don’t forget your furry friends! Make sure that you have sorted suitable care for your pets while you are away. If you are taking them to stay somewhere, be sure to pack all of their essentials.

10. Set Your Out Of Office

This is the fun part! Let your colleagues and clients know that you will be out of the office for a while and provide a suitable contact should they have any urgent queries.

Enjoy A Stress-Free Break

Once you have organised, planned and prepared, all that is left is to enjoy a stress-free and relaxing break with your loved ones. Make the most of this quality time and make some precious memories.