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Ways to Protect Yourself Against Blue Light Eye Damage

19 February 2024

We're living in a fast-paced digital era, and we're practically entwined with our digital devices. Whether it be laptops, phone screens, or tablets, most of us spend at least half of our day looking at these screens. A 2022 study revealed that an average adult in the UK spends 34 years staring at screens! Astonishing, right? Now, while these devices have made our lives easier, they have also exposed us to the dreaded blue light. Don't know what that is? Don't worry. In this blog, we'll discuss what blue light is and some ways we can protect ourselves from blue light eye damage. Let's get into it!

What is Blue Light, and Why is it Harmful?

In simple terms, the light we see is made up of different wavelengths and energy levels. Blue light is a high energy, low wavelength part of this spectrum. The concerning part is that the wavelength of this light is quite close to the ultra-violet (UV) rays – which, we're aware, are quite harmful.

If you're exposed to too much of this light, it can cause things like disrupting your sleep patterns, retinal cell damage, and digital eye strain. Your vision can be hazy and it can cause a glare. The worst part is that it can cause long-term damage to your eyes. While blue light is also present naturally, it has become a concern due to the long

exposure to screens and their proximity. So it is important to invest in blue light eye protection. Here are some tips to reduce the effects of blue light on vision.

Reduce Screen Time: 20-20-20 Rule

Now, it would be unrealistic to advise you to stop using digital devices completely, but reducing screen time can help you reduce eye strain caused by blue light. Give your eyes time to rest in between using screens, and consider shifting to non-digital solutions for some part.

The 20-20-20 rule can help you take regular breaks between your screen time. Every 20 minutes, take a break from your computer to look at something 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds. It's simple yet effective and will help you alleviate eye strain caused by overexposure to blue light. It will also help reduce the fatigue you might feel after staring endlessly at your screens.

This rule will also help prevent Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS is a condition caused by prolonged computer use. The symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, and neck or shoulder pain. The 20-20-20 rule will help you prevent it but you must take other measures too to reduce your screen time and exposure to blue light.

A few other benefits of using the 20-20-20 rule include:

1. Maintains Blinking Frequency

2. Improves Focus and Productivity

3. Enhances Circulation

4. Reduces the Risk of Dry Eyes

Blue Light-Blocking Glasses: A Stylish Shield

Shielding eyes from digital screens is just as important as reducing screen time. Perhaps even more. Computer glasses can help you do it. Blue light-blocking glasses, or simply computer glasses, will filter out a portion of the blue light emitted by screens. These computer glasses come in various types and may be clear or yellow-tinted. They're especially useful if you use your computer or other screens for long periods. Not only will these glasses help reduce eye strain, but they will also alleviate headaches and migraines caused by long screen times.

Some of these glasses come with magnification or clip-on blue light filters so you may choose those that fit your wants. You can also look into trendy blue light glasses to make them a style statement.

Turn on the Night Mode on Your Devices

Turning on the night mode can be an effective step to reduce exposure to blue light and its negative effects. Most devices nowadays come equipped with this feature and it reduces blue light exposure, especially during evening hours. This feature adjusts the color temperature of your screen to emit warmer tones and minimizes the impact of blue light.

This feature is called “Night Shift” on iOS devices and “Night Mode” on Android and other devices. Turn it on to reduce headaches caused by blue light.

Buy a Screen Filter and Adjust the Screen Brightness

Applying a special screen filter to the front of your devices is another way to reduce exposure to blue light and prevent its negative effects. Screen filters reduce the intensity of blue light emitted and reduce eye strain.

The same is also true for adjusting screen brightness. It will optimize your viewing experience and minimize potential eye strain.

Some Final Thoughts

Here we go, folks! These are some simple tips to reduce blue light exposure while using your digital devices. Preventing digital eye fatigue is important to use your devices effectively and to increase productivity. You must strike a balance between screen time and resting your eyes. Use these tips to use your devices safely.