Valentine's Day 101: The History and Origins of Our Most Romantic Holiday

01 February 2024

Valentine's Day: A Holiday That Stands The Test of Time

Valentine's Day is special for many of us; waiting for the 14th of February to come around each year to celebrate our loved ones is a much cherished holiday around the world. It is a time when people exchange tokens of love, like cards, flowers, and chocolates, and make that extra effort to share special activities. But how often do we stop and think where this holiday and its traditions come from?

The origins of Valentine's Day can be traced back centuries, blending a mix of historical events, legends, and cultural influences to create the romantic holiday we know today. Let's explore the story of Valentine's Day!

Early Historical Origins

The roots of Valentine's Day can be found in ancient Roman and Christian traditions and various origin stories exist. One popular legend dates back to the third century during the rule of Emperor Claudius II. According to the story, Claudius II banned marriage for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers. A priest named Valentine defied the decree and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, Valentine was imprisoned and later executed on February 14th. Before his death, he reportedly sent a letter to the jailer's daughter, signing it "From your Valentine," a phrase that continues to be used in modern Valentine's Day cards. What a beginning!

Another theory links Valentine's Day to the Roman festival Lupercalia, which was celebrated in mid-February. Lupercalia was a fertility festival that included rituals to purify the city and promote health and fertility. Over time, the Christian church sought to Christianize pagan celebrations, and Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine's Day around the 5th century.

From the 8th century, the Gelasian Sacramentary - a written collection of Christian liturgy - records the celebration of the Feast of Saint Valentine on - surprise, surprise - the 14th of February.

We can find a potential source for the romantic association with Valentine's Day in canonical English literature. Geoffrey Chaucer, a popular writer in the 1300s, played a pivotal role in cementing the link between love and Valentine's Day. In his work "Parliament of Fowls," Chaucer associates February 14th with the mating season of birds, symbolizing the idea of love and courtship.

I Saw This and Thought of You

As notions of courtly love flourished in the 14th and 15th centuries, traditions of love tokens on this date became more common. We can date the first Valentine's Card sent to 1415, with the Duke of Orleans sending his wife a card as a token of love whilst a prisoner in the Tower of London - that's a gesture I think most of us would struggle to trump!

By the 18th century, exchanging handwritten notes and tokens of affection became popular among friends and lovers on Valentine's Day. The Industrial Revolution facilitated the mass production of Valentine's Day cards, making them more accessible to people from various social classes. As the stories we've told have begun to spread the word of the holiday, and technology has made its celebration more accessible for all, so Valentine's Day has rooted deeply across religious and social tradition.

Love Unleashed: A Growing Tradition

The 19th century witnessed the commercialization of Valentine's Day, with the introduction of pre-printed cards and the production of elaborate, lace-trimmed creations. The Victorian era embraced sentimental expressions of love, and the exchange of cards became a central tradition.

With the advent of the 20th century, the holiday has continued to evolve, incorporating new traditions such as the giving of flowers and chocolates - the treats many of us look forward to as February rolls around.

In the modern era, Valentine's Day has become a global phenomenon, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. It is not only a day for romantic partners or opening up to your crush, but also an occasion to express love and appreciation for friends and family. The more the merrier!

Valentine's Day: A Tale As Old As Time

Valentine's Day, with its rich tapestry of history and traditions, continues to be a day dedicated to love and affection for friends, lovers, and families across the world. From ancient Roman rituals to medieval legends and modern celebrations, the holiday has evolved, encompassing various expressions of love.

Whether celebrated traditionally with romantic dinners or with friends through alternative festivities, Valentine's Day remains a time-honoured occasion to cherish and celebrate the profound connections that make life more meaningful. As we exchange cards and tokens of love, the spirit of St. Valentine lives on, reminding us of the enduring power of love in all its forms. Who's your Valentine this year?!