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Top Ways You Can Encourage and Motivate Your Employees to Work Out in the Workplace

23 March 2023

From a broader perspective, it is easy to see that one of the primary problems associated with employee health across different industries is a sedentary lifestyle. Hours and hours of sitting hunched over a computer is turning out to be a major health concern. And if you throw in the lack of any type of exercise, the problems get worse.

According to one study published by the World Health Organization, it was identified that up to 85% of people from all across the globe lead an inactive lifestyle. The report also mentions that serious health implications of a lack of exercise, smoking, sleeplessness, and alcoholism may lead to devastating acute and chronic health conditions such as Type-2 diabetes, poor cardiovascular health, obesity, and much more.

However, this is something easily preventable, especially when you talk about a corporate setting. So, as a business owner who is concerned about their team's health and prosperity, here are some excellent ways you can motivate your employees to stay in tip-top shape in the workplace.

Some Great Ways You Can Inspire Your Employees to Stay Active

Set Up an Exercise Environment Right in the Office

One of the best ways to motivate your employees to focus on their health through daily exercise is by bringing the gym to their workstations instead of asking them to join a gym. It's simple and effective. There's no doubt we live in a busy and fast-paced corporate environment where we're compelled to manage our time in the most effective ways possible. This is especially true for employees that come from even greater distances and have longer commutes.

So how exactly do you encourage them to work out while they are at their stations? Easy, invest in the right equipment! And no, we're not talking about buying smith machines, barbells, or dumbbells. There's a far more efficient way to help your employees stay in shape – a fitness bike that also functions as a desk!

Desk bikes are shaping up to be all the rage when it comes to corporate fitness programs. They're ingenious, simple to use, and you can even track your progress. Plus, your employees won't have an excuse not to perform 15-20 minutes of cardio during their break time or even when they're doing assignments. Some of the top features of a desk bike include an integrated digital display, pneumatic seat adjustment, multiple resistance levels, and an attachable and detachable work table.  

Motivate Your Employees to Take The Stairs

This is another excellent way of promoting health and wellness in the workplace. You can start by sticking motivational wall stickers and posters near the lifts, encouraging them to take the stairs as much as they can. Sure, you may be wondering whether this would work if the office is located on the 10th floor of the building, but the purpose here is to help your employees take baby steps to prioritize their health. Even climbing a couple of flights of stairs is beneficial. It is a way of spurring them into action!

Give Your Employees Some Time Off to Follow Their Exercise Routines

Consider offering your team 30-40 minutes off 1-2 times a week so that they can pursue their workout goals. As mentioned, time is a pretty big constraint and often active individuals have difficulty taking out any time after work to hit the gym. However, at the office, giving your employees some time for physical activity can go a long way to show that you care about their health and want them to stay fit and productive. A lot of companies have done this and have received positive feedback from their workers.

Introduce Workout Programs and Classes At Work

If you have a sizeable workforce, it is an excellent idea to consider hiring the services of an experienced fitness professional and instructor that specializes in a variety of aerobic and cardiovascular exercises. You have so much you can choose from. Ask your employees what type of training program they wish to pursue and get a professional onboard. You can choose to introduce yoga, meditation, Zumba, muscle conditioning, aerobics, and much more.

Choose Enthusiastic Employees to Lead the Flock

No matter how big or small your team is, there will always be some gym rats and fitness lovers that will always jump at the opportunity to work out at the office. Identify them and ask them to motivate and lead the rest of your employees to make and achieve their fitness goals.

These ambassadors will be instrumental in helping formulate viable exercise routines that everyone can follow. Better yet together, you can even organize small-scale inter-office fitness competitions in the form of short marathons, cycling, and trekking. The opportunities are endless.

Bottom Line

While pursuing your professional goals and climbing the ladder of success is important for both personal and professional development, doing so at the cost of your health should never be the case. As a business owner, it falls on you to try your best to promote a culture of health and wellness throughout the workplace. From using a desk bike to offering yoga, meditation, or aerobic training, there are so many things you can do to help your team develop a stronger mind and body at the office.