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Top 12 To Do Tips & Tricks For Sitting All Day At Work

06 August 2021

Working in a great remote work gives you a boatload of versatility and independence. But when you have complete control over your schedule and can work all day with just the periodic doorbell disruption, it's all too easy to become aware that you've been sitting in the exact location for hours. And when you sit almost all day every day, it's easy to gain weight, even if you attempt to eat healthily. And it gets worse: studies have also shown that persons who sit for extended periods are more susceptible to injuries, and even those who exercised were just as likely as those who did not to develop health problems.

Even in the best of circumstances, staying healthy may be tricky. A genuinely healthy life incorporates numerous factors, such as getting enough exercise, eating well, and maintaining a sound mind. Overlooking any part of excellent health might hurt your health. It's critical to get up and move about during the day. Virtual or flexible jobs, in particular, enable you to customize your work schedule; you are not confined to your desk like a regular 9-to-5 office worker.

Here are some ideas for getting your day started right when you sit all day while also staying healthy.

When you're talking, take a walk

In this day and age, business meetings and phone calls can be critical components of many businesses. Seize the opportunity to get up from your desk and move around. Stretch and move. Unless you need to sit and take notes, this is an excellent opportunity to obtain 20-30 minutes of activity each day.

Use that ball

You can't stand up and move around very much as you want to. A stability ball can help in this situation. Sitting on a stability ball rather than an office chair requires you to use your core for sitting upright. This allows you to develop up your abdominals while also improving your posture—all while sitting and completing your work.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

According to a study, 10,000 steps per day is a reasonable number for healthy individuals to take. That will be difficult if you are confined to your desk all day. Park as far away from your office as possible. So, instead of taking the elevators, take the steps. When you're on your way to work, take the "scenic" route.

Schedule your meals

Work schedules can be stressful, and your itinerary might fill up quickly. Make a note of your lunch hour and block it off on your calendar. Too often, the timetable dictates highly unhealthy eating habits. It might be tough to find time to eat until you make it a priority and arrange it. Make a plan for your meals and stick to a balanced diet.

Drink lots of water

Stay young, lose weight, and improve your intelligence. These are only three of the surprising facts about drinking water. Moreover, it'll offer you an excellent reason to walk over towards the water fountain a few times a day.

Use a standing desk

Long periods of sitting are harmful to your health. As per studies, it's really harmful. The American Medical Association has even requested businesses to allow their employees to stand at work in their proposals. It's a new approach that you should think about if you have the chance.

According to studies, a flexible worker could be more efficient than an office worker. Fewer distractions (such as colleagues breaking into your desk to gossip, a micromanaging supervisor strolling past your desk all the time, etc.) means you can retain your attention and work consistently. The catch is that if you don't get interrupted, you can find yourself working for a couple of hours continuously without stepping out from your desk. If you work from home or go to an office every day, try a standing desk. It not only allows you to extend your legs, but it is also a much healthy way of working, lowering your risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

FlexiSpot is an excellent source for all things ergonomics, especially standing desks. While they have a crank version, an electric height-adjustable desk just might make things a lot smoother and easier for you when transitioning from sitting to standing and vice versa at work.

Make time to work out

If you want to exercise, you'll need to make time for it in your agenda. If you have a flexible job, try a mid-afternoon exercise session or a midday run. If you work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., consider getting up an extra half hour earlier and do some sit-ups or other workouts at home, taking a quick stroll around your neighborhood, or just going to the gym.

Stretch or move around in place

As per the Mayo Clinic, stretching at your workplace can relieve stress and provide other health advantages. If you're unsure where to begin, one of FlexiSpot's under-desk bikes is a great place to start. You can use them separately if you have time to spare just to cycle or take strides, even while working at your desk.

Make the most of your lunch break

It's simple to forgo lunch and eat at your desk. While eating at your desk can aid you to be more productive on occasions, making it a practice can contribute to a slew of issues. Use your lunch break to recharge your batteries. Take a walk outside. For most people, lunch seems to be the only time they have to themselves during the day.

Walk, jog, or ride your bike to work

While this is not for everyone, your everyday commute can be an excellent time to boost your fitness. If you live close to your workplace, try brisk walking or just walking. If you're a little further away, consider biking. Alternatively, if you take public transit, get off a stop early and walk the remainder of the way.

Make your lunch

Bring your lunch and make sure you understand what it is you're putting into your body. You'll also save money. Use your spare funds to hit the gym or take a class.

Stay notified

When you're completely immersed in your tasks, it's easy to lose track of time. Only when your back is sore from hunching over the whole day, do you recognize you should get up more. If you forget to get up, you can use your computer to set notifications or alarms that will force you to move. They should go off every 30 minutes or so. Your body, as well as your levels of productivity, will appreciate you.

Exercising is inadequate to counteract the effects of sitting all day and adopting any or all of these simple strategies to squeeze in some activity during your workday. You'll increase your productivity, get on the route to improved health, and, when you're in tip-top shape, all of your productivity may even get you a job promotion.