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The Power of Shared Standing Desks in Teamwork

16 October 2023

In today's corporate world there is an onus placed on 'teamwork'. Offices were once cubicle-based and individual-focused but this is increasingly being replaced by open, collaborative settings that emphasise the importance of teamwork. Standing desks are representative of this change.

If you're a business owner who has realised the value of collaborative work, you are probably wondering how you can encourage this in your workspace. Well, standing desks are a good place to start because they are designed to improve team interactions, going beyond purely aesthetic or ergonomic considerations. If you need convincing - stick around because today I will discuss the positive impact standing or height adjustable desks can have on teamwork. I will also give you my tips and tricks for designing a workspace that prioritises and encourages collaboration. Let's jump in!

The Benefits of Standing Desks

It has been scientifically proven that using standing desks increases creativity, productivity and focus. This is because standing causes some of the body's largest muscles to work harder, which boosts blood flow to the brain. Therefore, standing desks enhance how we feel and how we operate. Additionally, it has been proven that standing desks can improve our productivity by up to 20%.

It is clear that standing desks have a significant positive impact on our productivity, but did you know that they also have the potential to improve our health? Office workers spend around 75% of their day sitting down, with the majority of this time being spent in prolonged periods of sitting. According to a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, people who spend more time sitting have a 13% higher risk of developing cancer than those who stand more frequently throughout the day. They are also more than twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. So, standing desks can improve your employees health, productivity and collaboration making them a no-brainer!

How Do Standing Desks Encourage Teamwork?

Aside from benefiting your employees health, creativity and productivity, standing desks can transform the way they work in teams. This is because:

1) Standing or height adjustable desks encourage team members to be more engaged. Standing up helps your employees to concentrate and be more alert. This is particularly useful during meetings, brainstorming sessions and group discussions. This increased attentiveness can encourage team members to communicate and share ideas more effectively.

2) Traditionally, the seating arrangements in offices were hierarchical, with managers or supervisors sitting at larger desks and employees in lower-ranking positions using smaller, less prestigious workstations. In contrast to this traditional set-up, standing desks usually have a consistent size and appearance. This creates a sense of equality and inclusivity amongst your employees which will help you to foster a cooperative workplace.

3) Collaboration often stems from spontaneous conversations and interactions. Your employees will be able to exchange ideas, answer questions or resolve issues in an environment that is suited to these informal, impromptu chats when using standing desks. This adaptability may lead to more creative solutions whilst enhancing collaboration.

4) Standing promotes movement and a shift in viewpoint. Members of your team can effortlessly transition between standing and sitting, which is helpful when conducting group problem-solving sessions. A change in position can inspire fresh approaches to thinking and problem-solving. This will foster more imaginative and productive teamwork.

5) Standing desks' versatility allows for a dynamic office layout. Your team can quickly adapt their workspace to a project's unique requirements. Standing desks can be reconfigured to create the appropriate space for the task at hand, whether it's a group presentation, a design brainstorming session, or a team-building activity.

Designing an Office to Encourage Teamwork

It can be difficult to know where to start when designing an office to encourage teamwork. Opting for an open and thus inclusive layout should always be the first stage in this process. This may include implementing spacious common areas that encourage team collaboration and flexible seating arrangements to accommodate various group sizes. By ensuring there are lots of meeting spaces, you open up the possibility for unplanned conversations and chance encounters, which frequently serve as the foundation for innovative problem-solving.

Additionally, a workspace that prioritises teamwork places an emphasis on technological integration. Modern collaborative tools like video conference, interactive whiteboards, and collaborative software should be utilised in the workspace to guarantee that team members can communicate easily whether they are based in the office or remotely. This integration promotes a sense of connection and teamwork among your employees, even when they are working from home!

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, investing in standing desks for your team is a great way to enhance teamwork. They will improve collaboration and engagement whilst improving your employees health and productivity. Standing desks have the potential to revolutionise the way your employees work, create and realise their collective goals. So, don't wait any longer - invest in a standing desk today and watch your employees flourish.