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The Benefits of Receiving a Decent Night's Rest

28 September 2022

A study indicates how lost efficiency from insufficient sleep charges the UK economy up to £40 billion annually). Workers who sleep for less than 6 hours per night lose about six more days of work each year due to tardiness or presenteeism than those who rest 7 to 9 hours per night, according to research by Rand Europe, which examined survey results from 62,000 people in 5 nations. In addition, getting less than seven hours of sleep each night increases the chance of death and lowers production efficiency due to worker absenteeism and underutilization of resources. The UK lost 1.86% of its GDP as a result of the losses.

 Why is slumber so crucial, then? Find out more as you read on, along with advice on how to sleep better at night. So, if you want to enjoy a fantastic night, then consider getting yourself an excellent adjustable bed!

You Are More Fruitful After A Nap

The outcomes of sleep deprivation were the subject of numerous studies in the 2000s. Researchers came to the following conclusions regarding sleep and various brain processes:




A much more recent 2015 study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry revealed that kids' sleeping patterns could directly affect how well they undertake in school. Therefore, getting enough sleep could increase your productivity and focus. So get yourself a good adjustable bed for you to sleep on.

Sleeping More Can Help You Avoid Excess Weight

Sleeping for 8 hours every night won't make you lose weight on its own, but it can prevent your body from gaining weight. Ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite, is produced by your body if you don't get enough snoozes. Leptin, a hormone that alerts you to fullness, is also produced less by your body. Together, they make for one lethal late-night snacking combination, my pal. Additionally, insufficient sleep makes you more stressed and gives you less energy to resist cravings for unhealthy foods. Just imagining it makes us completely drained. So you should examine your bed frame to see if anything is wrong keeping you from sleeping.

Sleep Can Make Your Heart Stronger

Sleep deprivation can result in heart-related issues like high blood pressure or cardiac attacks. That's because not getting enough sleep can lead to the discharge of cortisol, a stress hormone that makes your heart beat faster.  Moreover, your immune system and your heart require rest for them to work effectively. Just one more justification for loving slumber.

Sleep Better, Feel Better

Napping can result in positive mood swings, regardless of which side of the mattress you get out of. And it makes sense. You feel drowsy when you get a good night's sleep. Life's minor inconveniences won't offend you as much when your energy level is high. You're not as mad if you're not irritated, causing you to be more pleased most times.

 Therefore, get a head start on bedtime; those around you would appreciate it. So, if you want to sleep comfortably, consider getting yourself high-quality adjustable beds.

Sleep Deprivation Can Be Risky. Literally

A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that getting 6 to 7 hours of sleep instead of the recommended 8 increases your risk of being involved in a car crash by two times. Sleeping less than 5 hours increases the risk of crashing by four times! This is because when your mind isn't completely relaxed, your reaction time starts to slow down significantly. Those statistics have us itching to slip into our pyjamas and strike our electric bed as soon as possible. We don't know about you.

Sleep Enhances Athletic Achievement

Guess what a researcher who studied the consequences of sleep deficiency on basketball players discovered? They weren't great basketball players because they weren't getting enough sleep. You may be asking yourself, "So what? Only in my fantasies am I the MVP. Well, the quality of sleep has an impact on all forms of workouts. Hand-eye cooperation, response time, and muscular strength are all benefited by recovering under the covers. Additionally, sleep deprivation can reduce your power and endurance.

Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Sugar Metabolism

Short sleep is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, a condition wherein your body has trouble utilising the hormone insulin. In a review of 36 research studies, more than 1 million attendees revealed that less than 5 hours of sleep or less than 6 hours of sleep each night increased the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 48% and 18%. It is hypothesised that lack of sleep could lead to behavioural adjustments like poor decision-making and enhanced food intake and physiological adaptations like reduced insulin responsiveness, inflammatory responses, and modifications in hunger hormones. Additionally, an absence of sleep increases the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

Depression Is Linked To Poor Sleep

Sleeping disturbances and poor sleep quality are closely related to mental health issues like depression. According to a study with 2,672 attendees, people with depression and anxiousness were more likely to say they had poorer sleep than people without these conditions. According to other studies, those who experience sleeping problems like insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea also experience higher levels of depression than those who don't. It's crucial to speak with your healthcare provider if you have difficulty sleeping and realise your psychological state has worsened.

Final Words

Not getting sufficient sleep can be risky for both you and other people. Our ability to concentrate on duties, quick reactions, and response time all suffer when we are tired. Possessing a severe lack of sleep is similar to drinking too much alcohol.