Small Changes for Employee Satisfaction

01 December 2021

Employee satisfaction is one of the major drives of motivation in the workplace. Not only does having a highly motivated workforce mean better work gets done more efficiently, but it also means greater employee retention. This is a major benefit for employers, as it massively cuts down on the amount of time that needs to be spent on recruitment, onboarding, and training.

Employee satisfaction, coupled with employee retention, produce a team that is built on trust and commitment, and are more dedicated to producing top quality results. While some companies may have the luxury of offering their employees massive salaries and big bonuses, the key to employee satisfaction by no means requires taking a financial hit. There are many simple, cost-effective measures employers can put into practice to make sure their employees turn up feeling good throughout the working day. Here are 7 tips for boosting employee satisfaction!

1. Place an emphasis on honest communication

In any relationship, personal or professional, communication is always the ultimate key to a smooth interaction. All too often, the top-down hierarchy of a workplace can lead to a lack of communication between the upper tiers of management and the rest of the employees. This has the effect of leaving employees feeling unimportant, unappreciated, and uninformed. Making honest communication a priority across all levels of the company helps keep everyone on the same page, and allows each and every employee to conduct their work feeling respected, and part of a team.

2. Cut out micromanagement

Micromanagement is an absolute death sentence when it comes to employee satisfaction. Having the details of every tiny task they perform scrutinised and controlled creates an atmosphere of stress and breaks down trust within an office. Upper management should rely on the strength of their employees and their middle management workers to get the job done, and only check in for updates when it is truly necessary. Giving employees the breathing room to do their work on their own terms shows trust, and is exactly the reason you hired them in the first place!

3. Offer little perks and rewards

When it comes to boosting morale, there’s nothing wrong with offering a good old fashioned treat. Something as simple as a fruit basket, sweets, or nice tea and coffee in the office can put a smile on people’s faces. Don’t be afraid to reward your employees for their high performance. This doesn’t have to mean financial remuneration - something as simple as offering a lie-in or an extra day of holiday can be enough to make people feel that their efforts are appreciated.

4. Team bonding

Having a good bond between your teammates is essential for building trust and making sure ideas flow. Team bonding activities such as social mixers, or doing an office 5k can be a great way to encourage your employees to get to know one another, and give them more of a reason to turn up every day beyond the work they have to do.

5. Create a welcoming environment

No matter how much you love your job, it’s pretty impossible to feel motivated and at ease if you work in a drab, gloomy environment. Curating a pleasant workspace will allow your team to feel comfortable and inspired throughout the working day. Keeping the space bright and airy is a simple step in the right direction. Plants and ergonomic furniture such as standing desks help keep the space feel fresh and dynamic.

6. Be flexible

It’s important to bear in mind that at the end of the day, every employee is also a human being with a full life and set of responsibilities outside of the office. Sometimes these responsibilities will clash with office hours and it’s important to be understanding of this. Giving your employees the time and flexibility they need to take care of important personal matters helps to build an environment of trust and respect.   

7. Promote employee health

The negative health impacts of a poor workplace environment not only cause great distress to the workers themselves but are in fact a major source of lost revenue for employers. Each year, millions of pounds are lost to businesses on account of workplace-related stress causing health issues. Hypertension, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, sleep problems, and fatigue are some of the signs of when a negative workplace is becoming downright toxic and need to be avoided at all costs. Employers should be mindful of employee health by respecting work/life boundaries, offering breaks, and making sure that their staff have ample access to water and good nutrition throughout the day. Many employers even go the extra mile and offer health-related training, health-conscious furniture such as standing desks and fitness chairs, or even discounted gym memberships for their employers. 

Happier employees make for a more productive workplace and a stronger team. Even the smallest of changes can have a major impact on how your staff feels, so why not try these seven steps to boosting morale in your workplace today!