Sleep Your Way Through Winter: Why More Sleep is Essential

21 February 2023

Winter can be challenging. The days are shorter, and the weather is colder, and for many of us, it's the time of year when we have to deal with the least amount of daylight. It's no wonder many of us feel run down and exhausted during winter. However, many people don't realise they're tired because they're not getting enough sleep.

Healthy sleep is of great benefit to your physical and mental health. As a result, many are discovering ergonomic beds that create a relaxing environment to drift off to sleep. In this article, we will find how electric, height-adjustable ergonomic beds can help improve sleep and discover why more sleep is essential during winter. Also, look out for tips on getting a good night's sleep even when it's cold outside.

How Much Sleep do I Need?

Just like our bodies need protein, carbs and fats, they need the right amount of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep daily. That means if you're a student, you're cutting it close; if you're like me, you're a chronic insomniac!

Why is Sleep so Important?

Losing vital hours of sleep in winter can harm your health and well-being. In addition, the lack of sleep can cause weight gain. Studies have shown that people who get less than six hours of sleep a night are more likely to be obese and have a higher BMI than those who achieve more than eight hours of sleep.

Sleep is essential for your mood, and lack of sleep can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and stress. In addition, rest is necessary for your safety; people who get less than eight hours of sleep are more likely to be involved in accidents. Finally, sleep is essential for your productivity; people who get more than eight hours of sleep are more productive and have better concentration.

Can An Adjustable Electric Bed Improve My Sleep?

The average person spends about 26 years of their life in bed; that's a staggering amount! So it's vital to ensure you are comfortable in your bed. Adjustable, electronic beds are becoming more popular as people seek to maximise their sleep quality. Electric beds are built upon motorised frames that can raise and lower the upper body. Some adjustable bed frames can even adjust the lower body for additional comfort.

An electric bed can improve your sleep and ease insomnia; it can also help eliminate snoring by raising the upper body to relieve the pressure on the windpipe, thus allowing air to flow freely as you breathe.

If you are unwell or suffer from aches and pains, finding a position that creates comfort and relieves discomfort is possible when using an electric bed frame.

An adjustable electric bed can also help you with the following:

Rediscover your independence:  this is particularly true for users with restricted mobility. Raising and lowering the bed makes getting in and out of bed easier.

Soothe Cold and Flu: When you are unwell, laying down flat can cause all your mucus to gather at the back of your throat, causing coughing, discomfort and blocking sinuses.

Improve Circulation: Raising the legs and upper body reduces stress on the spine and improves circulation around the body.

Check out Flexispot's exciting range of adjustable beds and discover how your sleep could benefit.

Tips to Improve Sleep Hygiene

Everyone needs regular sleep; here are some tips you can follow to improve your sleeping routine:

Try to establish a regular sleeping pattern: Go to sleep at the same time, and where possible, try and wake up at the same time every day. Late nights and early starts disrupt your sleeping patterns and make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Sleep at the right time of day: Getting enough sleep at the correct times is critical to keep a healthy circadian rhythm (the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment).

Use a Sleeping Mask or Earplugs if needed: if you live in a noisy city or have a partner that snores loudly, earplugs and eye masks can help you fall into a deep sleep much more effortlessly.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed: alcohol and caffeine can affect your alertness before sleep. Coffee, stimulant drinks and alcohol can all disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Make changes to your diet: Focusing on your diet is essential. Replace meat with fish and seafood at least twice a week because they are richer in omega-3s and have lower cholesterol levels. Try to drink some green juice daily, it can have a positive impact on your general health and well-being.

Get adequate hydration: Drink water and green tea daily. Many studies have shown that H20 hydrates and revitalises the body from within. So drink your two litres daily, but avoid drinking within three hours of bedtime.

Closing Remarks

Sleep is essential for a healthy body and mind. In winter, getting enough sleep is even more important when the days are short and the nights are long. Sleep helps your body to maintain its temperature and to recover from the day's activities. It also helps to improve your mood, memory and concentration. Get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to stay healthy and avoid colds, flu and other health problems.

If you don't already have one, consider investing in an adjustable bed to help you achieve good quality sleep all year round!