Simple Tips for an Eco-Friendly Home

06 January 2022

As the effects of climate change grow worse year by year, the need for each of us to step up and play our part in protecting the environment likewise grows in importance. With such an issue as large and looming as the environment, it can be all too easy to feel powerless and unable to make any lasting impact on the crisis at hand.

And while it’s true that major responsibility lies with the corporations and industries responsible for the majority of environmental destruction, the individual can still make a definite impact - all from the comfort of their own home.

The way we run our homes, even down to the smallest details, has a massive effect on our overall carbon footprint, and the damage we do to the environment. By making even simple changes around the house, each and every one of us can become more of a force for good towards our environment.

And, if we all make these changes, the numbers quickly add up - meaning that together we can fight environmental damage and the negative effects of climate change. If you’re looking for easy ways to make your home more eco-friendly - here are 8 simple tips to go green!

Make the switch to LED lightbulbs

Many people have already made the switch to LED light bulbs at home, and with all of their benefits it hardly comes as a surprise. LED light bulbs are far more durable than their delicate incandescent counterparts, and provide a greater amount of light using  a lower supply of electricity. What’s more, they last far longer than traditional bulbs, and due to their durability and low energy consumption, LED bulbs make for a great way to save money on household expenses.

Wash your clothes on a cold water setting

While most washing machines come with all sorts of fancy settings, the truth is that for most jobs a simple 30ºC or 40ºC wash is more than enough to do the trick. High heat washes should be reserved for heavy duty cleaning, such as towels, curtains, and bedding. For most loads of washing, lower temperatures will work just fine. Some washing machines will even come with an “eco” setting, which means they use less heat and water to get the same clean results - helping the environment, and cutting down costs.

Brush up on your DIY skills

When something breaks around the house, it can be all too tempting to run out to the shop and instantly replace it. The high supply of brand new furniture means that many people have lost touch with the art of DIY. But this constant consumption of new items has a terrible impact on the environment, and learning to perform simple repairs on household items can not only save you hundreds of pounds, but spare the planet a whole lot of unnecessary damage.

Try home-made cleaning products

Instead of popping to the shop and splashing out on synthetic and highly chemical cleaners (many of which can have a negative environmental impact!), try experimenting with using more natural, home-made cleaners. You may be surprised to learn that most of the ingredients you need for a powerful home cleaner - such as baking soda, apple cider vinegar, or salt - are already lining your pantry!

Line-dry your clothes

As tempting as it is to toss every load of washing into a tumble dryer and wait for it to come out perfectly dry a few hours later, good old fashioned line drying is the best way to go for the environment. Tumble drying consumes a lot of energy and ends up costing more than most people expect when you use it after every wash. Make the most of the Earth’s natural drying sources like the sun and the wind to cut down on both consumption and costs.

Wait before running the dishwasher

Given all its convenience, a lot of people find themselves tempted to hit “run” on the dishwasher even if only a single rack has been loaded up. This ends up wasting an alarming amount of water and electricity, especially when added up over time. To run a more eco-friendly home, fight the urge to hit the on button and make sure the entire dishwasher is loaded up before making use of it. Better yet, for small amounts of washing up, don’t wait at all - simply use a soap and sponge!

Minimise food waste

Collectively, food waste is one of the most environmentally destructive practises we are guilty of in the UK. Each year, the UK alone wastes an incredible 6.4 million tonnes of entirely edible food - amounting to over 10.5 billion meals that could feed those in need. Conscious action is needed to reduce food waste. Take note of the types of food you find yourself chucking into the bin most often and make a mental note to buy less of it during your next shop. Better yet, get creative and find ways of repurposing unused food - such as using stale bread to make breadcrumbs or a delicious bread and butter pudding!

Reinforce your windows

Adding curtains or blinds to your windows not only improves the overall decor of a home and provides a degree of privacy, but it also helps to cut down on energy costs from heating and cooling the home. Even if windows are shut, they can be a source of unwanted heat and cold from the outside, but even just one layer of curtains can be enough to combat this and cut down on the extra energy consumption!


What are you waiting for? Not only is each and every one of these simple tips a ticket to a more eco-friendly home, but at the end of the day will have both the planet and your wallet thanking you!