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Relaxation Techniques: How To Manage Stress

18 September 2021

Stress Reduction Can Extend Life
Male-pattern baldness often has a congenital component: they have the issue owing to their DNA. However, some people start to lose their hair owing to the situations they find themselves in. Stress can result in hair loss, it can result in premature aging, and scientifically, it can shorten your expected lifespan.

The reason hair starts falling out is because stress acts as a corrosive factor on telomerase. It’s rather like acidic foods and your teeth. If you’re not brushing your teeth, and you are constantly consuming acidic foods, you’ll get cavities and gum disease before teeth start rotting out. Two people from the same parents can have totally opposite teeth for this reason.

Similarly, two people in the same town, the same job, the same region of health, and the same generation can have decades separate their expiration. Stress may well be the cause. Stress erodes telomerase just as acidic foods erode the enamel on teeth. However, just as pineapple juice is good for the gums, good stress strengthens the body.

So there are ways to manage stress in a way that either co-opts “positive” stress toward health or assists in the elimination of negative stress. Very briefly, we’ll explore a few ways that are possible here.

1. Keep Your Mind Healthy
Very recently, Dr. Emoto, a renowned individual conducting scientific inquiry in Japan, performed an experiment that is surprisingly easy to recreate-many even do this in their own home. Basically, this guy yelled at one container of rice, left a second one alone, and praised the third. 

The rice he insulted rotted more quickly, the rice he left alone rotted normally, and that which he complimented fermented. Over a period of thirty days, you can do the same thing in your own home, and you’ll very likely get similar results. The takeaway is, words and attitudes have some sort of physical power. Well, similar to words are thoughts. 

Ruminate on darkness and that darkness creeps into you at the genetic level—this is verified via epigenetic processes, as demonstrated in numerous experiments. But you can also test this out for yourself. Exercise and get muscle, stay in the sun and burn until you tan. Your body eventually takes on the attributes of your actions. Thoughts contribute to that. 

If you’re always ruminating on the negative, it will express itself in your physicality. In point of fact, you’re emotionally stressing yourself. You’ll notice those consumed in “darker” things tend to have less aesthetically pleasing features in advanced age. Negative thoughts kill you quicker. In contrast, those contemplating that which is edifying and good may retain trappings of youth into their twilight years. Think positive, and live longer. 

2. The Right Exercise Contributes To Happiness
Exercise releases endorphins, but there’s a caveat. Running from a mountain lion is exercise, but that will stimulate adrenaline, activate bodily adipose reserves, and stress the heck out of you. 

In contrast, jogging on the best treadmill you can find online won’t negatively affect you like this—though be mindful of your knees and try to avoid shin splints for best results; don’t push yourself too hard.

The point is, exercise induces what is known as “positive” stress--that is: stress which doesn’t erode telomerase but rather strengthens your DNA. It’s the difference between stretching a rubber band and pulling it as hard as you can until it snaps. The one act retains elasticity, the other breaks the band.

3. Learn To Identify Factors Initiating Stressful Responses
What things make you feel stressed out? Identify stress-causing factors and avoid them. If they can’t be avoided, learn why they make you stressed, and determine ways of counteracting that stress. Do cats make you stressed because they make you sneeze? Recognize it’s the allergies you don’t like, not the cat.

Once you recognize this, instead of being immediately stressed out at the sight of something like a furry feline, instead you’ll know you just need to steer clear of their dander; the cat itself is no cause for alarm.

Being More Healthy With Less Stress
Identifying stress-initiating factors, being disciplined about regular healthy exercise, and controlling the sort of thoughts you have represent three key means of managing stress in a way that will keep it from affecting you negatively. These are important. You have relatively little control over external phenomena. You can control your own response.

What scientific studies have demonstrated, in light of the linked materials of this very article, is that as you think in your mind, ultimately, you are (to a realistic extent). This is an example of what is known as “epigenetics” in action. Positive thinking extends life, negative thinking abridges it; mostly owing to stress. So think and do the right things.