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Pros and Cons of Bedtime Exercise

29 December 2022

Many individuals would want to include exercise into their daily routines, but most find it impossible for a variety of reasons. However for most people, time is the primary problem.

Morning exercises certainly seem like a good idea, but it can sometimes be quite tough to give up some sleep to get up early enough to be ready for work or school, as well as potentially to get the family ready for the day.

Due to work and other commitments, the majority of individuals cannot take advantage of the opportunity in the afternoon. If you fall into this group, the only time that works for you to workout is in the evening.

In this post, we have covered some pros and cons of exercising before bed for your consideration.

Pros of Bedtime Exercise

1. Reduces Tension From the Day

Exercise is often a difficult yet satisfying exercise that has several positive effects on both our bodies and thoughts. Therefore, having a sweat session can be the answer if you're seeking for a technique to relieve mental fatigue from being out all day, calm your thoughts, and be ready for a good night's sleep.

Numerous studies indicate that individuals claim to feel calmer even after only 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, and this sensation may last for several hours afterwards. Furthermore, exercise has both a short-term and long-term impact on inducing relaxation. In a poll, 53% of participants said they felt better after working out, 35% said their mood was better, and 30% said their stress levels were lower.

2. Enhances Performance

According to a 2013 research with 20 males and 4 sports performance-related factors, such as aerobic capacity and oxygen uptake, the individuals could exercise 20% harder and longer in the evening than in the morning. Greater flexibility and muscular strength are substantially aided by the higher nighttime temperatures.

You may try it and see. Exercise in the evening to get your best performance.

3. Increases Nutrition

The idea that eating before sleep contributes to weight gain has been widely disproved, much like the exercise before bed theory—so long as the meal is modest, nutrient-dense, and composed of just one macronutrient.

According to an analysis from 2015, young, energetic people who drank a protein drink before bed after working out had a greater concentration of amino acids than those who drank a placebo, suggesting that the protein was better absorbed and digested while the subjects slept.

4. Get Your Morning Routine Organized

Most individuals have a problem with getting up early morning. There's always the temptation to press the snooze button and stay in bed a little longer. That's why getting your workout in before night is so crucial. So doing is like killing two birds with one stone.

If you work out in the evening, you may rest easy knowing that you can sleep in a little longer in the morning without sacrificing the advantages of your workout.

Cons of Bedtime Exercise

1. Consistency Becomes Difficult

According to a 2018 research, morning exercisers are more likely to stick to their routines than those who lace up in the afternoon or evening.

This conclusion could be explained by the fact that exercising later in the day gives you more time to be distracted by things like impulsive plans or the allure of watching TV. However, everyone's daily schedule is unique. By scheduling your exercise and keeping to your commitment, you may develop consistency if you favor nighttime workouts.

2. Interrupted Sleep

While moderate exercise may improve sleep quality, engaging in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) within an hour of bedtime might reduce sleep quality and increase nighttime awakenings.

Experts recommend trying something gentle like jogging at night or yoga if that's all you have time for.

3. Lack of Group Classes

Fitness centers and studios may offer nighttime courses, although daytime and early evening are the most common times for instructor-led group exercises. Some areas may have fewer options for evening courses.

Keep in mind that there are advantages to training in a big group. Participants in group exercise sessions reported greater improvements in their mental and physical well-being than those who exercised alone or with a small group.

Exercises You Can Try in Bed

If you are too lazy to exercise on the floor, you can also do exercises in bed. Here are a few exercises that you would love to do to tone your legs, abs, and shoulders without getting out of the bed.

1. Reverse crunches

2. Supine leg marches

3. Modified handstand push-ups

4. Straight leg lifts

5. Glute hamstring leg lifts

The above exercises can be best attempted on adjustable bed on a specific bed frame. These beds help you relax your body and mind in ways that a flat mattress may not be able to do.