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Key Ergonomic Guidelines for Distant Workers

06 July 2021

Working from home is fantastic. Making the transition is worth it just to avoid long journeys and keep your pajamas on.

Here are six ergonomic ideas to help you work at home more comfortably and efficiently. These pointers can assist you in avoiding back problems.

1. Maintain a 90-Degree Angle with Your Arms and Elbows

Because stretching too far can harm your muscles, always sit near your keyboard and mouse. Your arms should be bent to 90 degrees and the desk should be positioned to the height of your forearms while you are seated with your chair properly adjusted.

You can use keyboard/mouse trays if you are using the armrests to support your arms. Your elbows will remain at a 90-degree angle, but they will rest on the chair rather than the desk. A standing desk works on the same basis. Because elbows should bend at 90 degrees, the height of the desk is determined by the height of the elbows.

If you cannot adjust the height of your desk, it is either: your desk is too low because you are tall and cannot get your chair or legs under it, or your desk is too high because you cannot get your chair or legs under it. You can either use a desk riser to raise your desk or lower the height of your chair to rectify this.

Lowering the height of your chair, on the other hand, is not the best option because it can result in an elevated knee to hip height and a posterior pelvic tilt, which can contribute to knee pain. 

If you are compelled to adopt this position, try to stand frequently. Your workstation is too high, and your elbows are too high, lifting your shoulders. Raise your chair until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

You can use a footstool instead, which is not ideal because it may leave your feet dangling. To keep a healthy posture, make sure your chair and desk are set up correctly. In addition, supporting your arms is important for your neck and shoulders, so try to avoid sitting at a curve on your desk.

2. Maintain a Robust and Upright Chin

Your neck and head posture are also important. Neck, shoulder, and even back pain can result from burying your chin into your chest. As a result, you should maintain a relaxed body.

Elevate your laptop to keep your chin up. Because the monitor is either too low or the keyboard is too high, laptops are never comfortable to use. To avoid straining your neck when reading, the top of the display should ideally be below eye level. 

As a result, it is critical to hold your laptop up at eye level when working on reading-intensive jobs.

You can lift your laptop to a comparable height as your monitor by using a monitor stand or a monitor arm, which avoids eye strain and neck problems by keeping your chin up. 

3. Move More, Sit Less!

Do not sit in your chair all day, even if you have an ergonomic home office arrangement. Instead, change your posture throughout the day to avoid back, neck, and even shoulder pain from sitting in the same position for long periods. 

As a result, it is critical to modify your chair, stretch, and vary your posture as needed. You can stay active while working with a desk bike like the Cycle Desk Bike V9 Pro.

There is plenty of ergonomic office equipment and even accessories that FlexiSpot offers for any professional like you. With ergonomic items, you promote a healthier and more active work experience. 

You can change positions frequently by adding an adjustable standing desk to your home office arrangement. You can also use an anti-fatigue mat to encourage you to move your legs. Stretch your calves, massage your feet, and relieve fatigue throughout the day with these accessories.

4. Place a Pillow in Front of Your Chair

If you do not have an ergonomic chair, a thin pillow on your seat can improve the comfort of a regular chair. You may also use a fluffy towel folded in half to achieve the same effect.

If you suffer from lower back pain, a lumbar support pillow or a rolled towel on your seat can help you relax by encouraging good posture and keeping proper spine alignment. 

This is because lumbar support pillows, which lay on the back of your pelvis, can assist in alleviating discomfort caused by prolonged sitting. You do not need to spend a lot of money on a nice pillow to obtain this look. Simply roll a towel and insert it between your lower back and your chair.

5. Keep Your Feet Supported

Blood circulation is improved by stretching your legs or supporting your feet on an elevated platform.

When you sit in a chair, your hips and thighs should ideally make a 90-degree angle. It is also important to exercise by moving your feet back and forth. However, if you have a reclining chair, this will also give the essential leg support.

Allowing your feet to dangle is not a good idea. Maintain a flat foot on the ground. Place a stack of books or boxes underneath them if they do not reach the ground firmly when you are seated so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your hips are slightly higher than your knees. Your lumbar spine will be less stressed as a result of this.

6. Learn to Take Some Screen Breaks to Rest Your Eyes

According to Buffer's State of Remote Work research, 99 percent of respondents stated they would like to work remotely for the remainder of their careers, at least occasionally. If you plan to work remotely, though, you will need an ergonomic workstation to avoid future back issues.

Every 30 seconds, take a break and look away from the screen. Because “we tend to be focused” when working from home, you may forget to take breaks. Set a timer to remind you to step away from your computer.

Make sure your home office is well lit to reduce eyestrain. It is also important to have plenty of natural light, and sitting in front of a window can help keep your eyes rested.


You can improve your home office setting and work comfortably and efficiently with these six ergonomic ideas. Updating your home office might also help you stay healthy and avoid back problems.

Also, remember to stay hydrated and take frequent pauses. Stand up and move about frequently, and stretch in between tasks.