Increasing Productivity at Work: What to Do?

18 January 2022

Every morning, the busy streets are filled with different people hurrying to their places of work to offer various services. People stream into their offices, companies, and organizations to put hours in on their work to grow it and make a living for themselves.

Now, businesses are run to earn a profit, and they will not run properly without these individuals, who come into work every day to carry out different tasks and assignments. But what happens when the employees are not working to their full potential? The business suffers.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why some businesses are flourishing, and others are floundering? It’s just productivity – major factor that separates the leaders from the mediocre in the industrial space.

High productivity points to a healthy business and work culture. When employees are happy, motivated and supported with the right tools, productivity will increase significantly.

A productive company will enjoy increased profitability, improved customer service and business relationships, as well as reduced production costs. Hence, businesses should look to improve productivity in their workspace, and here are a few tips to help them achieve this.

1. Reduce Time-Wasting Activities

In a workplace, employees engage in some needless activities that reduce the amount of time that should be spent on working. They include pointless meetings, workplace gossip, traditional emailing, among others.

Companies that aim to set the pace in their respective industrial spaces must explore several working approaches to eliminate these practices.

For example, businesses should ensure that only absolutely essential meetings are held. Meeting schedules should be prepared, with each topic of discussion given a specified time period.

In addition, real-time messaging applications can be used to replace traditional emailing to ensure information is shared more quickly and seamlessly, resulting in increased productivity.

2. Avoid Employee Multitasking

Every company has goals to achieve and deadlines to meet. Nevertheless, businesses should resist the temptation to assign employees more work than they can handle. Productivity level stays at a maximum when workers stick to specific tasks per time.

To accomplish this, team leaders and business managers should ensure each worker has a workload proportional to their capacity. Also, it would help if they established realistic targets and deadlines. In doing so, employees can afford to put maximum effort into each task. Consequently, this brings about a spike in productivity level.

3. Provide the Right Equipment

Faulty and outdated machines slow down the pace of work in an office. Additionally, the lack of necessary tools for work causes a drop in workers' morale. Therefore, business owners should strive to provide their employees with the appropriate equipment and tools to carry out their duties effectively.

Furthermore, the purchase of modern, cutting-edge equipment and technology not only increases productivity in the workspace, but also improves the company’s reputation in the industry and among customers.

4. Create an Appropriate Working Environment

When you feel at home in your workplace, your productivity will increase significantly. For this reason, businesses should make sure to create a comfortable working environment for their employees. 

Companies can start by making provisions for appropriate office furniture. At Flexispot, we provide a variety of high-quality office furniture that not only provides comfort but also aids in the prevention of ergonomic injuries.

Other ways of improving office working conditions include:

  • Ensure facilities such as doors, air conditioners, electrical outlets, walls e.t.c are working properly.
  • Spaces like toilets and cafeterias should be clean and fully equipped.
  • Also, businesses should provide reliable security for employees.

5. Reward Your Workers with Incentives.

Typical to humans, incentives always motivate us to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently. Adopting this approach in a workspace is certain to boost the productivity level of employees.

Incentives that can be employed in a workplace include:

  • Recognition and award programs.
  • Free Development courses.
  • Health-care programs.
  • Payment bonuses.
  • Gifts at random.
  • Vacations at no cost.
  • Saying Thank You, and so on.

6. Plan Team Building Activities

Team-building in a workplace can be fostered by workers engaging in activities such as board games, office debate, and retreat. Organizing these events allow employees to interact with one another outside of the workplace and build meaningful relationships.

This should spark improved communication and bonding among workers to promote a healthy work environment and high productivity.

7. Organize Regular Reviews of Goals

Companies should organize meetings to highlight progress made toward set goals, as they may prove to be essential in their growth. Such practice can be adopted by businesses that wish to boost their productivity level. These meetings can be held on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Through this, workers who have a heavy workload to manage can be reminded of the need to buckle down. Also, by observing the progress of employees, those who are nearing the end of a long-term project can find the motivation they require to complete it successfully.


Productivity revolves around a company's workforce and management. That said, profitability is the ultimate goal of all businesses. For maximum productivity and profitability, the aforementioned tips can be helpful.

Companies must ensure that the morale of their employees remains high by establishing sound corporate policies and providing suitable working conditions. In the end, productivity and profitability is increased significantly.