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How to Manage Your Time When Working From Home

17 February 2023

Working from home can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be very easy to get distracted! To make sure you are productive during work hours and not distracted by household chores, errands or the lure of your TV, here are some tips for staying focused.

Set a time schedule and stick to it

Create a schedule that works best for you, then follow it closely. You might like to use the Pomodoro technique, or prefer to set aside time for distraction-free deep work when you are at your most productive.

A routine helps reduce stress and anxiety because it makes you feel more organised and in control of your day.

The key here is consistency. Following a similar routine each work day will help you to stay on task and power through your to-do list.

Make sure that every hour of work has some kind of structure or agenda attached to it – even if this means using an app like Trello or Asana as an external reminder system!

Once you've built a daily routine that works for you, keep track of how much time you're spending on different tasks and projects to help hone your routine. This will help you to make the most of the times of the day when you're most productive.

Create a workspace that motivates you

When you're working from home, it can be hard to stay focused on your tasks because of the distractions in your home. You might find yourself distracted by the laundry basket in the corner or the pile of bills. To avoid this problem, create an inspiring workspace that won't distract you from getting things done!

Make sure your workspace is clean and organised. This will help keep distractions out of sight so they don't get in the way of working efficiently. Set aside a little time each week for maintaining a clean and clutter-free workspace.

Choose furniture with ergonomic features such as adjustable heights and armrests to help you stay productive and comfortable. These features can help prevent muscle strain and reduce the likelihood of injury. Ergonomic chairs and height-adjustable desks are well worth the investment.

Block out time for collaboration

Collaboration is important for remote teams and for motivation. Making time to collaborate with colleagues can boost your mood and productivity when working from home. The buzz from sharing ideas and feeling like part of a community can be very beneficial.

Here are some great tip for collaborating more effectively when working from home:

● Block out time in your schedule for collaboration meetings. Protect this time from getting swamped up by other commitments;

● Set a meeting agenda and make sure everyone is prepared, whether it's a formal meeting with preparation documents to read or an informal catch-up;

● Be aware if someone needs more lead-up time than others or other accessibility arrangements;

● If necessary, set up recurring meetings at different times over the course of several days/weeks to accommodate everyone's work from home schedules.

Take strategic breaks throughout the day

Taking regular breaks is a good way to combat fatigue, which can make it harder to concentrate and be productive.

You should take a break every hour or so. Choose something relaxing that helps clear your mind and refresh yourself. Go for a walk outside or listen to some music on Spotify while stretching out those tight muscles in your neck and shoulders (or whatever part of the body needs attention).

Have a quiet workspace that's free of distractions

A quiet workspace is important for productivity. If you have a noisy environment or constant distractions, it can be difficult to focus on your work. Try to find an area with minimal noise and traffic so that you can stay focused.

Being able to shut the door when you are working is the ideal situation. But if your home won't allow for a separate home office environment, be sure to choose a space away from busy walkways or hotspots in the house when people congregate.

If possible, avoid any distractions that are unrelated to your work, like TV, phone calls and non-urgent emails. Turn off notifications to avoid being pulled away from your work.

Creating a distraction-free environment can help you stay on task and power through your to-do list in deep work mode.

Keep boundaries around your work time

Maintaining a separation between your work and home life is important when working from home.

Create boundaries between your work and home by tidying up your work things at the end of the day. Keeping your work stuff out of sight and out of mind can help you make the most of your rest and relaxation time – better preparing you for the next working day.

Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and manage your work and home time more effectively:

● Turn off your work phone and put it away with your laptop and other work stuff at the end of the day;

● Maintain a strict clocking-off time;

● Take breaks away from your desk;

● Working in a separate room to where you relax in the evening, or if this isn't possible put your work stuff away in a cupboard at the end of the day.

Whether you're working from home or in an office, managing your time is one of the most important skills to have. With the right tools and strategies, you can make sure that your productivity doesn't suffer when working remotely.