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How to Create a Productive Office Environment

29 July 2021

How to Create a Productive Office Environment

Are you feeling sluggish lately? Is work somehow getting harder to finish? 

Maybe that is because you are not motivated to push harder and exert extra effort because you just want to lie down on your bed instead of slouching in front of your computer. 

Another reason that this happens is because of how your office space is organized. It may be possible that it is not an inviting space to do your professional tasks.

So, if you are wanting to build an office space that will activate the innate desire? You have come to the correct place. 

The design and layout of office space have been shown to have a direct impact on productivity and focus.

It has been claimed that the correct atmosphere can increase worker output by more than 20%. As a result, it is an important factor to consider if you are seeking to improve your productivity. 

Minor adjustments in office architecture can go a long way toward making your workplace a productivity machine.

We have done our homework and compiled a list of office design ideas that are likely to improve your workplace. Continue reading to learn how to increase your work productivity through these five items listed below.

1. Reconsider the Open-Plan Design

Over time, the open-plan structure has gained popularity as a cost-effective alternative to discrete cubicles while also encouraging collaboration in the workplace. However, it might not be the most productive alternative.

While the open-plan style encourages collaboration and engagement, it has been demonstrated to reduce individual productivity. 

Employees have been observed to be frequently distracted and irritated by the noise of a group environment. This hurts their ability to complete tasks. 

People also prefer private offices for increased productivity and job happiness, according to reports.

It has been proven that using such areas reduces stress and weariness, as well as lowering absenteeism in the workplace.

From a productivity standpoint, allocating different locations for cooperation and social interaction while allowing personal spaces to work alone is a superior concept.

2. Variation in Space

Sitting in the same area day after day, no matter how well-designed that workspace is, can become monotonous. Moving about and working in different areas with diverse things to look at can help you stay in a more productive mindset.

For maximum output, having more than one dedicated workspace may be a good idea. Alternative workspaces include conference rooms, break-out rooms, and even lounge areas.

If your office lacks such areas, you might add some variety by adding a nice chair or couch to the space. By allowing you to stand and work at times, adding a standing desk to your workspace can help you break free from lethargy.

What is more, you may design your standing desk, complete with a standing desk frame, at home. Even little changes, such as rearranging the wall art or sitting on the opposite side of the table, might give you the boost you need to be more productive.

3. Be Color-Aware

Colors contribute to the visual appeal of the workstation in more ways than one. They might be more important than you realize.

Colors have been connected to emotions and productivity in numerous studies.

Knowing which colors have which affect the workplace environment can help you create the results you want. 

The color white, which is commonly used for workplace walls, should be avoided at all costs.

Experimenting with your office color scheme can help you foster a productive work atmosphere by encouraging creativity, detail orientation, and productivity. A word of warning: too much of anything may be exhausting and ineffective.

4. No Dark Areas

The intensity of illumination in your office, which is often underestimated, can have a significant impact on not just your productivity but also your mood and inspiration. Dark spaces can stifle creativity and promote stress, irritability, and even despair.

If this is something you have not considered, we strongly advise you to do so. While natural illumination is preferable, artificial lighting can be used to relieve eye strain, fatigue, and stress when it is not available.

Investing in table lamps and overhead lighting for your design office space is a deceptively easy solution that improves workplace efficiency.

5. Choosing the Right Furniture

It is impossible to overstate the importance of having comfort as a part of the workplace. You cannot concentrate, let alone be productive unless you are comfy.

While other factors like noise levels, lighting, and space are important, the type of furniture you choose in the design office space and how much effort went into choosing it plays a big role. 

You cannot be productive if you are continuously shifting in your chair or adjusting your seat.

The chair and table you spend hours at a time at work every day are undeniably the most crucial drivers of your comfort and, as a result, productivity. Getting the proper office chair is just as crucial as getting the right desk chair.

Lower back pain, muscle tiredness, and the risk of acquiring or aggravating musculoskeletal problems can all be reduced by selecting an office chair with the proper ergonomics (MSDs). This cuts down on lost work time and increases productivity.

It is critical to ensure that the relative heights of the chair and desk are appropriate for keeping the laptop screen at or below eye level and maintaining an eye distance of at least 24 inches from it. 

You may also try a standing desk like the DynamikDesk standing desk EB2(ED2) from FlexiSpot for a change.

For health reasons and a more comfortable working experience, you cannot disregard the importance of having ergonomic equipment. Consider purchasing items from FlexiSpot. Visit their website today!

Final Thoughts

These clever design choices can make the difference between a regular workplace, and one designed with efficiency in mind. They show how to improve employee contentment, well-being, and performance.

You may use the information in this office design idea to make informed decisions about the values you want to express in your office design layout or area, as well as the work culture you want to cultivate.