How Standing Desks Enhance Productivity

06 August 2021

Higher productivity allows you to achieve more of your targets, avoid unnecessary overtime and inefficiencies at work, and impress your boss, teammates, and oneself. Acquiring a standing desk or converter is one of the most effective and easy ways to increase the productivity of your days at home or work. According to studies, individuals who get up and move around get more work done and procrastinate less than those who sit back and relax during the process. Continue reading to learn more about how a standing desk or standing desk converter might help you do more.

What's with this outdated assumption that employees must be seated while working? Must we still use the archaic, desk-and-chair method of working now that we have smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even smartwatches with us all the time? No. Because it is harmful to one's health. As a result, organizations all over the world are implementing new ideas of productive workplace design. One of these progressive ideas is to provide offices with height-adjustable desks.

The research against sitting for lengthy periods was stacking up faster than our ergonomic seats could handle, so the standing desk was invented. Standing for prolonged periods was just as unpleasant as sitting because it generated its array of bodily issues, most prominently back discomfort and foot swelling. Furthermore, standing workstations took up considerable office space, and employees found it arduous to move their work from sitting to standing desks and vice versa. That's when the height-adjustable desk came into play.

A significant emphasis on productivity frequently suggests a need for more efficient communication methods, better computer programs, and best work practices that reduce lost time. Of course, all of these factors are important, but one of the most effective methods to generate more without putting too much burden on yourself is to omit all of the minor details that build up over a day.

Benefits on Productivity

Many facets of daily living influence your total productivity. Here is a list of advantages that demonstrate how standing desks can improve your overall quality of life and productivity.

Enhanced Blood Flow Reenergizes Your Brain

An upright posture stimulates higher blood flow across your body, which oxygenates your brain more thoroughly and adds to being more alert and energetic. When your brain is functioning optimally, you can complete work tasks more quickly, maintain current levels of creativity and adaptability, and stay on target for more extended periods. We spend a significant portion of our adult life at the office or workplace, and you may trigger stimulation by standing at work. As a response, more oxygen and thus nutrients are delivered to your brain, increasing circulation and blood flow. Simply standing promotes neurogenesis - the creation of new brain cells and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Needless to say, this cardiovascular surge also contributes to your body's general health. If you're still wondering if standing desks enhance productivity, ponder how being more focused and energetic can lead to being more productive.

Less Clutter Means Less Chaos

You will have much more brainpower to concentrate on the task at hand if you have fewer things around you disrupting your brain from what you'd like to focus on. Furthermore, suppose you don't have any other work, reminder notes, emails, or photographs of your family nagging you of everything else you need to accomplish later. In that case, you can focus on one task at a time, which always enhances efficiency.

Decreased Pain So You Can Do More

Back pain, in particular. Many individuals are unaware that scientific proof indicates how to sit behind a desk while at work to reduce back pain and injury. Best practices include proper posture, the height of your chair in connection to your workspace, adequate lumbar support, and where to place your arms when typing on the keyboard. If you can't make sense of all the frequent cues of sitting and why you may be at risk for worsening back pain. The delicate discs between your backbones are being squeezed if you sit for the majority of your workday. Switching to a standing desk workplace alleviates a significant amount of back discomfort. Just keep in mind that transitioning to a standing desk may take some time. Invest in an excellent pair of comfortable shoes. A word of advice: avoid wearing high heels.

Better Mood for Better Energy and Focus

Standing desks provide employees with greater energy during the day and enhance blood circulation and brainpower, improve focus, and decrease back pain. According to one study, 87 percent of those polled noticed an increase in energy and excitement at work. Overall, people who work at a standing desk experience less weariness, stress, and indifference than those at a sitting desk. The same poll discovered that returning to a seated desk restored mood and energy levels to baseline levels. Anxiety and depression have been related to spending more time sitting in the same position. Imagine waking up one morning in a pleasant mood and with more energy than you've had in ages. You could get out of bed with little to no pain and work out without fear of injury. You're perceptive. There is no fog, and your mind is rushing with wonderful opportunities, ideas, and excitement. You're focused and feel fantastic when you arrive at work.

Supporting Practices

Your productivity cannot be entirely reliant on the furnishings you select. Height-adjustable workstations are incredibly healthful and beneficial on their own. There is a lot more you can do to make the most of them and be highly productive.


Because height-adjustable desks move, obtaining typical cable management poles and privacy screens may be tricky. To maintain an unbroken flow of work, purchase appropriate monitor arms, power grommets, cable management, and extension cords.

Get an anti-fatigue mat

Even while a balanced mix of sitting and standing should alleviate the physical issues that standing desks cause, adding a high-quality anti-fatigue mat can still do much to make you more relaxed. In addition, you should invest in well-fitting shoes and always transfer your weight from one foot to the other when working.

Observe proper posture

When sitting, adhere to ergonomic principles by supporting your erect back with your hands and maintaining your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Maintain a straight back and elbows at a 90-degree angle to the table when standing.

Change positions frequently

Change your position every 30-45 minutes, but don't push yourself to do so if you genuinely prefer to stay in your present position. Because everyone is unique, what is suitable for your coworker may not be healthy for you. By switching positions after each period, you can even add the Pomodoro productivity approach here.

After eating, stand

According to studies, standing while working after lunch consumes more energy than sitting. Furthermore, it alleviates some of the post-lunch sleepiness that most of us endure after a huge meal.

Don't forget to take a walk

Standing desks allow you to move about more freely during the workplace. Walking is not only good for your health, but it can also help you think and stay focused.

Speak with a professional

When purchasing sit-stand desks, it is usually a good idea to consult with your furniture supplier on the best method to use them. Many people, for example, buy high-end ergonomic chairs then sit slumped at their desks all day.


Many of the actions necessary to accomplish goals take place behind a desk or at a table. A standing desk or standing desk riser can assist you in performing many tasks more efficiently and quickly. All of the research on the perks of standing at work reveals that this type of equipment can transform your life in meaningful ways. Stop wondering if standing desks boost productivity and get up and start to work.