Why You Should Always Be Honest With Your Doctor

12 July 2022

We all need a doctor from time to time. They are there to administer medication, check on our developing health and act as a confidant when things get tough. A study has shown that 4 in 10 people see their general practitioner once or twice per year. Of course, those with ongoing medical problems will visit a lot more frequently than that - and some people don’t bother going unless they are on death’s door!

At Flexispot, we like to promote good health and wellbeing and encourage ongoing remedying of ailments caused by poorly designed environments. We also like to encourage people to visit a doctor when problems persist. But why might you avoid the doctor, or, even more interestingly, why might you lie about your current health status?

Here are some thoughts on the matter.

1) Lying won’t change the results

Have you ever lied to your General Family Doctor about how many units of alcohol you drink, or how many cigarettes you smoke? When they ask you about your diet, do you tend to add in a few extra veggies and miss out that chocolate cake you had last night? Many of us do this, mostly because we don’t want to be embarrassed and often because we irrationally think lying might somehow change the results. For example, if we are being tested for type 2 diabetes, the temptation might be to lie about our diets in the hope that somehow this makes the results come back negative. Of course, we aren’t doing this consciously - it is a form of denial we go into when we cannot handle the truth.

2) They need to know where to look

Doctors run tests to find out what’s happening to your body. They cannot run all tests to check for everything - there simply aren’t the resources to do that. Every test costs money and time. Therefore, doctors are under instruction to only test when necessary. Being honest about what’s happening to your body or mind is important, so that the correct tests can be administered. If you have an embarrassing problem, you can write it down or use words that make you feel more comfortable. Doctors have seen and heard it all before.

3) They aren’t judging you

Many people worry that a doctor is going to judge or tell them off. Amazingly, more than 80% of us are withholding information from our doctors. Part of a doctor’s role is to educate, and this means telling you when you are doing something to harm your health. For example, if you are going for a long daily run on a dodgy knee, it’s likely your doctor will tell you not to do this until it has been properly checked and resolved. You might find this judgemental, but it’s just the doctor looking out for your health. We do the same here at Flexispot. We tell you that your regular office chair isn’t designed with your health in mind and inform you that it is probably causing all manner of problems for your back and neck. We then encourage you to find an ergonomic chair that is friendlier for your health.

4) They won’t tell on you

Some people worry that exposing the truth to a doctor will mean other people can find out. Perhaps you have done something you don’t want your spouse to find out about, but that is medically significant - you’d be tempted to try and hide it just in case, right? Remember, doctors are bound by strict confidentiality rules. They can lose their license (which they worked 10 years to get) if they breach confidentiality and even face criminal charges or civil lawsuits in some cases. Therefore, doctors are super careful about what they say and to who. They won’t call your partner or tell your employer about your medical condition unless you want them to.

5) They can only help if you are honest

Doctors want to help. You should always be honest because if you aren’t, it’s a waste of everybody’s time. If you are struggling with your mental health, describe in honest detail what this feels like and how it is presenting, because it might be that your doctor can make some links that you are unaware of. For example, there might be a certain medication you are taking (such as hormonal contraceptives) that could impact your mood or other areas of your health. If you doctor gets the full picture, they can use their expertise to solve your problems and give you the best possible advice.

What Can Flexispot Do For You?

Your health is important and we always encourage you to visit a doctor if you are experiencing health problems. If your health problems involve muscular pain, headaches, poor posture, poor sleep or poor mood and concentration, we would also like to help in any way we can. You can get in touch with us or browse our buyers guide today for more information on ergonomically designed furniture. We also have a range of other products for your home office such as standing desks, storage boxes, desk organisers and much, much more.