Finding Some Peace In Times Of Conflict

22 March 2022

As we are exposed to a constant stream of violence, tragedy, and war through the global news, it can be hard not to feel overwhelmed at some point. While the conflict itself may be taking place thousands of miles away, the current state of our hyper-speed media means that we often hear about bombs landing just moments after those that have been hit.

Being constantly connected to the latest update on the conflict via news apps and social media means that the flow of information can be pretty much non-stop, leaving us with what feels like little escape from the onslaught of tragedy.

In times like this it can take real effort to guard one’s mental and emotional wellbeing, as fear and anxiety can quickly set in. Many people have been left wondering how they can practise safeguarding their emotional and mental wellbeing, and not get sucked into a world pervaded by fear and anxiety.

As hard as it may be, there are basic steps one can take to make life a little more manageable even in times of trouble and unrest. Here are some tips you can take to help cope with the stress of living through times of conflict.

Turn off (or limit) the notifications

In times of unprecedented conflict, especially with total access to the 24/7 news cycle and social media, it can be truly difficult to look away from the horrifying updates that seem to come like a steady stream out of conflict. While it might be hard to look away, this is in fact something you should push yourself to do. Over exposure to a constant stream of tragedy is bound to take a toll on your overall well-being.

Try to mute the constant notifications about war, and instead make a decision to check the news once or twice a day - say, in the morning and evening. This is more aligned with the traditional news cycle, where people would check the newspaper in the morning and perhaps tune into the evening news for updates. If something truly earth-shattering occurs outside of this window, you will surely hear about it, but otherwise it’s wise to limit the constant exposure to each and every tiny update.

Pay extra attention to looking after yourself

As is true in peace times as much as in times of conflict, looking after your physical health is inextricably tied to your inner wellbeing and emotional state. Although it may be harder than usual, you should try to make an extra effort to take care of yourself in these troubling times.

Eating healthy food and getting regular exercise will at least leave your body in the best possible position to process all the chaos going on in the world. Your body needs energy to process things and deal with stress, so try to take your mind off the conflict by dedicating yourself to preparing healthy and nutritious meals.

Get involved in humanitarian efforts

If you feel you can’t rest easy in the knowledge that there are people out there suffering, you can take it upon yourself to try to get involved with humanitarian efforts. Whether this be raising funds, gathering supplies to aid refugees, or simply spreading awareness - every little helps.

Start by researching the different ways you can get involved and help those in need. Keeping things local can help to make you feel connected to the community around you, even in crisis, so investigate what humanitarian groups might be running operations in your local neighbourhood.

Protect your sleep hygiene

The way we sleep affects everything about our lives. It’s simply impossible to feel confident and secure in the world if our sleep is suffering. Unfortunately, sleep is highly sensitive to feelings of anxiety, meaning it can be one of the first areas of our lives affected by the onslaught of conflict.

In order to protect your sleep hygiene and make sure that you’re getting the rest you need to take on each day, try to limit your exposure to thoughts of the conflict in the hours coming up to bedtime. Do your best to avoid staying long up into the night reading about war or tragedy, as it’s likely to plague your thoughts once your head hits the pillow. Instead, try to relax and detach by reading a good book before bed.  

Try to accept uncertainty

Unfortunately, conflict and uncertainty seem to be pretty unavoidable facts of life. Instead of spending hours tossing and turning over why such tragedies and conflicts have to occur, and worrying about the outcome - try to focus on practical tasks at hand. It’s easy to get sucked into a world of anxiety by obsessing over the future, but at some point, it serves us better to accept that uncertainty exists and put our effort into the present.

Practice gratitude

One of the greatest cures against rising anxiety, is to practise being grateful. Rather than focus on all the negatives, and all the potential for things to get worse, instead try to turn your attention to the things in life for which you can be appreciative. Health, security, family, and friends - as well as all the little comforts and passions we have in our daily lives - are just as worthy of our emotional energy as fear and uncertainty.

In times of conflict and strife, devoting extra attention to nurturing your body, mind, and community is a powerful vehicle that carries us towards brighter futures.