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Find Your Optimal Desk Height for Comfort and Productivity

22 April 2024

What Is the Optimal Desk Height and How to Set It Correctly?

Finding that sweet spot for your desk height isn't just about dialing up comfort; it's an ergonomic practice that can improve your overall health and work productivity. With everyone's body being different and all the varied tasks we tackle at our desks, it's clear that there is no one-size-fits-all answer for the optimal desk height.

This guide delves into what exactly constitutes the ideal desk height for you, why it matters, and how to assess if your setup meets ergonomic standards. We'll also share what to keep in mind when selecting an office desk, ensuring that every minute spent at your desk is both productive and comfortable.

What Is the Optimal Desk Height?

Identifying the optimal desk height is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it hinges on your body dimensions, specifically your height, and the nature of your work. Ergonomic experts assert that the ideal desk height for most people ranges between 71 to 76 centimeters from the floor to the top of the desk. This range is considered ergonomically beneficial for average adults standing between 173 to 186 cm tall. However, this standard recommendation is just the starting point.

The golden rule for determining your optimal desk height is to ensure that when sitting down, your feet are flat on the ground, your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your elbows form a 90-degree angle when your hands are on the desk surface. This position minimizes strain on your shoulders, neck, and back, fostering a comfortable and productive work environment.

Adjustability is key in finding your optimal desk height, especially for those who deviate from average dimensions or have specific ergonomic needs. Considering height-adjustable desks can offer the flexibility to change your desk height as needed, accommodating both sitting and standing positions. Electrically height-adjustable desks in the market today can offer an adjustment between 60 and 128 centimeters so that you can adjust it to a comfortable sitting or standing position according to your needs.

Reference Chart

To tailor this advice to a wider audience, here's a quick reference chart that correlates your height with the recommended desk height for both sitting and standing:

Your Height Optimal Sitting Desk Height Optimal Standing Desk Height
150 - 160 cm 58 - 64 cm 95 - 105 cm
160 - 170 cm 62 - 68 cm 100 - 110 cm
170 - 180 cm 68 - 74 cm 105 - 115 cm
180 - 190 cm 72 - 78 cm 110 - 120 cm
190 - 200 cm 76 - 82 cm 115 - 125 cm


For more tailored recommendations, you can also calculate optimal desk height for both sitting and standing using these formulas:

Optimal Desk Height for Sitting = Your Body Height [cm] / 2.48

Optimal Desk Height for Standing = Your Body Height [cm] / 1.58

For example, if you are 175 cm tall, you can calculate the exact desk heights for both sitting and standing as follows:

Optimal Desk Height for Sitting = 175 cm / 2.48 = Approximately 70.6 cm

Optimal Desk Height for Standing = 175 cm / 1.58 = Approximately 110.8 cm

The Importance of Right Desk Height

The height of your desk directly influences your posture, the amount of strain on your body, and ultimately, your overall health and efficiency. Here are several key reasons why the right desk height is crucial:

1. Promotes Better Posture: A desk that aligns with your body's natural proportions encourages a sitting posture where your feet can rest flat on the ground, your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your elbows maintain a 90-degree angle. This alignment significantly prevents you from slouching, leaning forward, or adopting other poor postures while working.

2. Prevents Musculoskeletal Issues: The right desk height can significantly reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck strain, and lower back pain. By aligning the desk height with your body's natural posture, you minimize the strain on your muscles, tendons, and skeletal system.

3. Improves Blood Circulation: Proper desk height and posture ensure that you're not compressing your body in unnatural ways, promoting healthy blood flow. Adequate circulation is vital for maintaining energy levels, preventing numbness or tingling in your extremities, and supporting overall cardiovascular health.

4. Boosts Productivity: Ergonomic comfort plays a significant role in maintaining focus and enhancing productivity. When your desk is at the right height, you're less likely to be distracted by discomfort, allowing for prolonged periods of concentrated work. An ergonomically arranged workspace can lead to improved job performance by fostering an environment where creativity and efficiency thrive.

How to Know If Your Desk Height Properly?

Figuring out if your desk height hits the mark for ergonomic comfort involves a bit more than just eyeballing it. There's a simple posture check you can do to ensure your workspace is set up to support your body's natural alignment:

1. Sit Down: Begin by sitting comfortably in your chair, as you would during a typical workday. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor or resting on a footrest, with your thighs parallel to the floor and your knees at about a 90-degree angle.

2. Align Your Elbows: Place your arms at your side, then bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle, the position you'd typically have while typing. Your elbows should be close to your body, and your forearms should rest comfortably on the surface without having to lift your shoulders.

3. Check Your Wrist Position: Ensure that your wrists are straight and in line with your forearms, not angled up or down when resting on the keyboard or mouse. This reduces strain on your wrists.

4. Eye Level: Your eyes should be aimed at the top third of your computer screen without having to tilt your head up or down. The monitor should be about an arm's len

gth away.

If your current desk setup doesn't allow for these alignments, you may need to adjust your desk height. Remember, the goal is to work in a position that feels natural and doesn't strain any part of your body.

What to Consider When Choosing an Office Desk?

Selecting the right office desk is a pivotal decision that can affect your productivity, comfort, and your health over the long term. Here are the critical aspects to keep in mind to ensure you choose a desk that meets your ergonomic needs:

Desk Height and Adjustability

As we've discussed, the optimal desk height is crucial for maintaining proper posture and avoiding strain. Look for a desk that falls within your ergonomic height range or offers customizable height options. Height-adjustable desks are game-changers that offer the flexibility to let you alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. This is recommended to avoid the health risks associated with prolonged periods in a single posture.

When considering an office desk that exemplifies optimal height and adjustability, the FlexiSpot E7 stands out. This desk offers a broad range of height adjustments from 58 to 123 cm, accommodating various body heights and sitting or standing work preferences.

--shopstart--{"id":48192,"link":48192,"name":"Standing Desk Premium Series E7","shortName":"E7","url":"// 1.jpg","salePrc":269.99,"originalPrc":419.99,"itemFootMarkType":"INSTANT_REDUCTION","itemFootMarkValue":150,"itemFootMarkInput":"-£170"}--shopend--

Its quiet, fast, and stable movement mechanism ensures a seamless transition between heights, while the ability to store up to 4 preset heights allows for personalized ergonomic settings at the touch of a button. Constructed from high-quality carbon steel and designed with smaller gaps in the table legs, the FlexiSpot E7 provides except

ional stability and durability, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a flexible and ergonomically sound workspace.

Desk Size and Workspace Area

Consider the amount of surface area you need based on the equipment you use (computer, monitors, peripherals) and the type of work you do. Ensure the desk provides ample space for your tasks without causing clutter. The size of your office or workspace will also dictate the size of the desk you can accommodate. Make sure to meas

ure your available space before purchasing to ensure a good fit.

Material and Durability

Office desks come in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and glass. Each has its benefits and aesthetic appeal but consider durability and ease of maintenance as well. A sturdy desk that's easy to clean can serve you well for years to come. If sustainability is important to you, look for desks made from eco-friendly materials or those certified by environmental standards organizations.

Style and Aesthetics

While functionality and ergonomics are paramount, the style of the desk should also complement your office environment and personal taste. A desk that fits well with your office decor can enhance your mood and motivation.


As we've explored, setting up your desk to optimal height correctly is key to maintaining good posture, minimizing strain, and enhancing your work efficiency. By following the guidelines we shared on how to figure out your optimal desk height and other considerations pivotal in choosing an ideal office desk, you can achieve the perfect ergonomic setup. Embrace the right desk height today and feel the difference in your day-to-day comfort and performance.