Chair Workouts For Men: Strength And Flexibility Tips

22 July 2024

Living a sedentary lifestyle is always going to have adverse consequences at one point in time. From postural issues to chronic or acute illnesses, sitting around working for a handful of hours without spending a bit of time exercising will potentially expose you to musculoskeletal problems such as joint, back, and neck pain. Not to mention, you'll start feeling fatigued and stressed out all the time.

Fortunately for you, you can get a lot of exercise done in a concise amount of time without any fancy equipment. Say hello to office chair exercises.

That's right. There are a variety of full-body exercises that you can do on a chair – all of which come with a different set of benefits such as postural rehabilitation, increased flexibility, and most of all, a boost in strength. So without further ado, let's look at some of those exercises, which are easy to do and don't take much time.

Top Four Chair Exercises You Can Start Doing from Today

1. Chair Taps

Chair taps are excellent for propelling your heart attack and increasing your muscle endurance and stamina. It is a quick yet effective exercise anyone can do. While you can do this exercise with a height-adjustable chair, if you don't have one, it's no issue.

Stand facing the front side of your chair. Bring your left or right knee and ensure your foot and toes are firmly placed on the seat. Then after a one-second pause, bring your elevated leg down and proceed to do the same thing with your other leg.

Once you get the hang of it, try switching legs as fast as you can until you start sweating and feeling a burning sensation in your quads and hamstrings.

2. Mountain Climbers on the Chair

While the traditional version of this exercise is far more strenuous and stamina-boosting, the chair-based version allows for gradual flexibility and strength. The core advantage of this exercise is that it helps boost your heart rate and can help provide shoulder stability. It is also excellent for building your core muscles.

To do this exercise, assume a plank position with your hands firmly placed on the floor and under your shoulders. Stretch your legs and place both feet firmly on the edge of the seat. Your starting position should like you are about to do a chair-supported push-up.

Once in this position, bend one leg and bring the knee towards your chest as if you're going to sprint. Bring the knee back to the starting position and do the same with

the other leg. The objective is to perform this exercise in a controlled manner using your entire body to stabilize your core.

3. Inclined Push Ups

Not only are inclined office chair push-ups excellent for your shoulder and arm strength, but these are also great for your overall chest development. Take a stance similar to the mountain climbers and ensure both feet are firmly placed on the seat pan.

With your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, perform a push-up while keeping your back straight and ensure that your feet remain stable and not wobbly. Keep your triceps close to your body to prevent elbow flare.

With your chest flexed and your core nice and tight, perform the exercise in a controlled manner. Do 2-3 reps if you are doing an inclined push-up for the first time. Build your strength and stamina and start cranking out 15-20 reps per set.

4. Chair Dips

Chair dips are a good way to develop your triceps and overall arm strength. They're also a great resistance and endurance exercise. Sit on the chair in an upright position with your arms tucked on your sides and your palms laid flat on the edge of the seat.

While controlling your movement with your arms, lift your body up and out of the seated position in front of you. Bend your knees and lower your body till your arms ar

e stretched. Ensure your arms make a 90-degree angle. Then come back up and perform the move again for 5-10 reps.

Why You Should Start Performing Bodyweight Chair Exercises

They Are Simple and Easy

One of the best things about chair exercises is that you will never require any fancy or specialized gym equipment. All you need is a chair and a place to work out. Plus, you can do chair exercises even at your workplace.

Increased Accessibility

These exercises are great for people who don't have the time to go to the gym, have never worked out before their life, or are not able to go to the gym due to an illness or disability. By simply using a chair and performing mild to strenuous exercises, anyone can boost their strength and flexibility.