Unique Makeshift Work-From-Home Spaces

10 July 2020

The marching order to stay at home has prompted many to work from home. The sudden transition encouraged many professionals to get creative with their workstations. Using everyday household items, a whole lot of humor, and common sense, workers have made-do with workstations that are ergonomic as well as kid-friendly.


Have you tried this?

The proverb “necessity is the mother of invention” may be applied in current work from home situations. Here are some ingenious ideas of impromptu workspaces for couch laborers:


  • Ironing board as a height adjustable desk -- If you don’t have to go to work, then you don’t have to iron clothes. Therefore, you can use the ironing board as a desk! What a genius! True, ironing boards mimic a height adjustable desk but it can be a hassle to adjust it to different heights. You can try this  FlexiSpot product if you are tired of using your ironing board as your sit-stand desk.
  • Liquor cabinet as the new office -- Another great idea is to try the liquor cabinet as a desk. Just don’t forget that the happy hour starts at 6:00 PM!
  • Baby high chair, hamper as desks -- When you really lack a surface or a space, you can just use anything that’s near you. If you’re done sitting at the coach, use your baby high chair to stand while working. Conversely, if you want to sit down, you can use your hamper as your usual desk.
  • A spacious bathroom was converted into an office -- Setting up a home office can be challenging especially if you have limited space. But what if you take no for an answer and set up an office in the bathroom? We kid you not: One professional shared that her bathroom was roomy enough to be transformed into an office. And the best part was that it has natural lighting which is perfect for Zoom meetings!
  • The kitchen makes for a multi-purpose office -- Now that you are home, we know that balancing office tasks and house chores is the new drill. As it is, the kitchen can be the safest work area for some. It is close to the stove, the refrigerator, the snack bar, and the coffeemaker. Plus, it offers a wide space for your gadgets.
  • When the dining table becomes an office -- The basic things that you need for a home office are a table and a chair. Why not turn the dining table into an office? While you’re at it you can make a wrist rest made of a scarf and maybe rice or beans?
  • Playroom office setup -- Now that  homeschooling is encouraged, it’s up to you to take care of your kids while you juggling your office tasks. One idea is to set up your office in your child’s playroom so that your child can stay entertained while you work.


The new reality

The various office setups can be funny and amusing but let’s face it: We are trying our best to cope with the new reality of work. If you look at the glass half full, then you will always find a way to bounce back and adapt to life’s curveballs.