Stable height adjustable desk checklist

16 June 2020

What makes a great height adjustable desk for your home office? Well, there are many factors but stability must be chief in a long list of considerations. A poorly made desk will compromise your equipment and make a mess in your work station.


Most standing desk users put expensive technology on top of the desk -- a laptop, a monitor, a smartphone. A wiggly desktop could cause those gadgets to slip off the desk and break. Or a shaky desk could make your cup of joe spill over and ruin a keyboard or laptop. In a nutshell, having a sturdy work surface helps prevent accidents and distractions that will impede your productivity.


If you are looking into buying a height adjustable desk, this thorough guide can help you buy a sturdy and stable height adjustable desk for your home office.


Stable height adjustable desk checklist


Did the desk undergo a stability test?

You can consult someone from the brand that you like for this piece of information. As a potential customer, you can ask straight away if a certain model went through a series of stability testing. This experiment will test a desks stability when placed under pressure. The desk receives far more force than it would during typical use. If the desk passes the desk, you can be sure that it will provide a stable experience for the average user. Check out this video so you can have a visual experience of how FlexiSpot, a trusted brand in ergonomic furniture, executes its stability test .


Is the height adjustable desk sturdy?

Make sure to ask about the products materials because a competitive desk is only as good as the materials used to build it. This is directly related to how much the desk can carry in terms of equipment. For example, the FlexiSpot height adjustable desk is made of thick steel. Its dual-motor frames have a load capacity of up to 275 pounds while its triple-motor frames can hold up to 330 pounds. If you use bulky equipment for work, you have to ensure that your standing desk can support your gadgets without sacrificing its stability.


Does the desk have minimized gaps?

This is highly technical but this is a key factor in a desks stability. A sturdy desk must have limited gaps between the casings. FlexiSpots highly engineered products have an optimized overlap between the casing which adds extra stability to the legs.


Does the desk have high-quality glides?

This will ensure that there is reduced friction between the desks many components, which means enhanced stability and smooth motions. These features will help you transition easily from a sitting to a standing position without hassle.


How durable are the desks feet?

Longer and heavier feet made of thick steel will ensure a desks stability. They lower the center of gravity for the desk, which decreases any possible front-to-back motion or swaying.


Know your desk from top to bottom

By now you know that no one single feature is responsible for a stable standing desk. Stable standing desks rely on multiple components to lend stability to their design. This is why you must learn about the desk that you are eyeing as much as possible so you can get the best value for your money.