Is Your Work Stress Hinting that It is Time for a Vacation?

21 July 2022

Sometimes you have just to say “Enough is enough” with work stress

Work is hard. If it were easy, we would be lazy at what we do to earn a living just to get a paycheck. You have to work hard towards anything in life, earn a living, respect, and overall build your self-confidence to try anything you want. One thing people do at work that they don’t really admit to or don’t show is how work stress can affect them. Work stress gets to all of us. Whether it is a project that is getting close to the deadline, not getting along well with a co-worker, or even just the daily grind getting to you, you may want to take a step back and see what steps you need to take to relax.

Believe it or not, something as simple as work stress can end up taking its toll on you more than you think. Not only will it affect your mental health but will also affect your physical help if not put under control. Having something like stress end up making you less healthy can be pretty stressful on its own. We thrive to be the best versions of ourselves, and it has to do so if your mental health, as well as your mental health, is slowly declining. Per CSP, the mentioned causes and symptoms are:

“Although it is easy to pinpoint the causes of stress in life, it is not as simple to narrow down the effects. Understanding stress lets us see how it can negatively affect both the mental and physical health of employees. According to the CDC, stress “sets off an alarm” in the brain that prepares the body to defend against the stressor. The nervous system is alert, and hormones are released that sharpen senses, increase pulse, deepen respiration, and tense muscles. This is commonly referred to as the “fight or flight” response. It is biologically programmed, which means humans have little or no control over it. When stressful situations are ongoing or unresolved, this response is constantly activated, causing wear and tear on different biological systems. Eventually, fatigue occurs, and the immune system is weakened. This increases the risk of disease or injury.

relationship between job stress and physical illness

In recent decades, researchers have studied the relationship between job stress and physical illness. Examples include sleep disturbances, upset stomach, headaches, as well as compromised relationships with family and friends. Other symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Indigestion
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Short attention span
  • Loss of appetite
  • Procrastination
  • Increased use of alcohol and drugs
  • Poor job performance

chronic diseases

These signs are easy to recognize, but the effects of stress on chronic diseases are less obvious because these ailments develop over time and can be caused by many different factors. However, data is beginning to show that stress plays an important role in many common but serious health problems. According to the CDC, health care costs are nearly 50% higher for workers who report high levels of stress. The following are some of the long-term negative effects of stress, listed by the CDC:

Cardiovascular disease: Psychologically demanding jobs that give employers little control over work processes increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety.
Musculoskeletal disorders: It is believed that stress increases the risk of back and upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders.
Psychological disorders: Several studies suggest that differences in mental health problems for various occupations are due to differences in job stress levels. Such problems include depression and burnout.
Workplace injury: There is also a concern that stressful working conditions can interfere with safety practices and increase the risk of injury at work.
Suicide, cancer, ulcers, and immune function: Some studies suggest that there is a relationship between workplace stress and these health problems, but more research is needed to draw firm conclusions.”

need a vacation

These reasons and much more make you want to sit down and reevaluate how things are going. All of the mentioned information can be a bit scary, but when it comes to the truth it is better to know before it is too late. Knowing all of this you are probably wondering, “Ok, maybe I need a vacation, what next?”. That all really depends on you. Some people do have the ability to be able to afford to up and go on vacation, but most people out there have to save for it. You also want to make your employers aware that you are interested in going on a vacation. Give yourself a week or two to plan, schedule, and let your company know when you leave and how long you will be out.

When it comes to the planning process, you may still be thinking of the previously mentioned financial abilities to pay for one. You can do a few things here. You can put it on a credit card and pay it off later, save up a little at a time and then go, or look into less expensive options for travel, hotel, food and etc. It is nice to sit down and write down places you love to vacation at, or maybe places you have always wanted to go. Sometimes it is amazing to go on a new adventure to someplace that you have never been, but you don’t want to come back to the stress of high debt. If it is too expensive, it won’t be worth it in the long run. The key here is having a “stress-free experience”, with your vacation.

Sometimes it is nice to just chit-chat with your friends or co-workers who can tell you about some great places they have visited, or what they did to save some money and find cheaper options. Granted, you don’t want to take someone else’s adventure just to get out of town. Honestly think about what places would help you wash the stress away. Sometimes doing something simple as going camping with some friends, family or even alone. People usually love the outdoors or even just enjoy the land they are at. Remember, the first and most important step is identifying your stress at work first, then taking measures to set up a vacation. We all need a break from work and even our lives, so why not take a chance on yourself and do what you can to reduce your work stress with a wonderful vacation?