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How to Turn Your Bedroom Into a Home Office

30 June 2022

As the world adopts homeworking as the future of work, many people are struggling to find space in their homes for an office. If you don’t have a spare room or designated office in your house to work from, it can be challenging to find a suitable space to get the job done.

Many people consider using their bedroom as a home office by adding a desk and chair. But can this disrupt our mental health? And is there a way to turn your bedroom into your home office without blurring the lines between your personal and professional life?

Let’s find out.

Should You Set Up a Home Office in Your Bedroom?

Having a home office in your bedroom - the room where you relax and sleep - isn’t ideal, as it can blur the lines between work and home.

However, if you have limited space, use the tips below to transform part of your bedroom into the ultimate WFH set-up.

1. Divide the Space

To make sure your bedroom doesn’t feel like your workplace in the evenings, divide your space into two completely distinct areas - one for working and one for sleeping.

Your workplace should be clutter-free and contain a desk, adequate seating, and any other equipment required for your work. Keep the rest of your bedroom cosy with cushions, candles, and sentimental objects.

If you want to create a clearer divide in the room, invest in a divider and place it between your home office and your bedroom.

2. Keep It Bright

Ensure you have adequate lighting for work. Facing your desk towards a window is ideal for catching natural light. If your bedroom lacks natural light, opt for a lamp that mimics the look and the effect of natural light to keep you awake and focused during the day and help you sleep better at night.

3. Create Storage Solutions

When you turn your bedroom into an office, you’ll have less space for personal items such as clothes, toiletries, and trinkets. To make sure you don’t have to get rid of personal belongings to make room for work equipment, invest in clever storage solutions instead.

Try storing belongings in boxes under the bed, or add an extra set of shelves in your bedroom that you can use to store items.

Instead of opting for a bedside table with no shelving units, opt for a bedside table that has a couple of shelves inside or at least a drawer, so you can keep your personal belongings in your bedroom without producing clutter.

4. Try a Folding Desk

If you’re short on space in your bedroom, purchase a folding desk that you can fold away and move to the side of the room after you’ve finished work. You could opt for other folding furniture, such as a folding chair, so your items only need to stay unfolded during working hours.

5. Opt For a Desk Bike

What type of desk takes up less space than a separate desk and chair, and can also help you stay fit and healthy? A desk bike! Invest in a desk bike so you can cycle while you work.

Regular exercise helps you to sleep better at night. Plus, a desk bike takes up less room than a traditional desk and chair.

6. Set Clear Time Boundaries

The best way to keep your personal and professional life separate is to set clear time boundaries between work and sleep.

Set a finish time for your working day and come away from your desk immediately once it’s over. That way, you can avoid spending the entire evening in your bedroom and struggling to go to sleep in the same room.

7. Invest in an Adjustable Bed

Occasionally, you wake up feeling tired and just want to start the working day by checking a few emails from bed before you decide to get up properly.

The problem? It can be hard to create a suitable bed environment where you can work without damaging your back or wrists.

The solution? An adjustable bed! Adjustable beds, such as this adjustable bed from Flexispot, allow you to adjust the angle at which your headboard inclines. This lets you enjoy activities such as reading or working on your laptop, all from the comfort of your own bed.

8. Practise Excellent Sleep Hygiene

If you’re worried about working from your bedroom negatively impacting your sleep, practise good sleep hygiene to avoid sleeping badly.

Avoid caffeine in the afternoon, and avoid eating late into the evening because both of these dietary choices can impair your ability to sleep well at night.

Make sure you get enough daylight during the day and avoid blue light in the evening, either by staying off your phone or investing in a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses.