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How to Make a Good Impression in Video Interviews

31 May 2022

If you’ve looked for a job in the past few years, like many of us have, you may have found yourself on a video interview. It’s quite a new thing for a lot of us, but whether the company is remote, hybrid or in the office, many are choosing to conduct part or all of the interview online. This typically involves dressing smart and sitting at your computer, switching your gaze between the people on the screen and your camera. At first, it doesn’t sound too great, but there are many benefits to video interviews.

The Benefits of Video Interviews

When attending an interview via video link, you can take advantage of the following:

● No commute. You don’t have to worry about the bus being late, plan a complex journey across a large city, or fund an expensive trip just to attend a 15 minute interview. You can do the interview in your home, with only your journey from one room to another being of concern.

● Less awkwardness. When you attend an interview in an office, it can feel very awkward being out of your comfort zone. When you do it in your own home, you may feel way more relaxed and less socially awkward or nervous.

● Less time wasted. When you spend half a day getting ready for an interview, commuting, waiting in the waiting room and going home again, you can feel like you have wasted an incredible amount of time. When you are in your own home, you only need to assign yourself the time for the interview. In fact, you could fit a few interviews into one day!

● You can have your notes at the ready. The interviewer can only see you, not what’s on the table next to you. Therefore you can make and read from your notes without looking unprofessional.

● You’ll be calmer at home. Interviews are highly stressful and if you are prone to anxiety, it can be a huge undertaking.

Choosing The Right Attire

Back in the day, it was simple, if you have an interview you dress your best. Whether that be a suit and tie or a blouse and blazer. Now, rules around what to wear to an interview are much more flexible. Some offices that are fully remote now work in hoodies and sweatpants and they may not expect much more from you in an interview. The important thing is to check in advance what your potential employer wants to see. Even if you need to double check and ask for specifics. However, if you do need to dress up, make sure not to forget your bottom half. Some interviews for more serious roles are even asking interviewees to stand up to check that they’re wearing pants.

Speak With Confidence

Nothing ruins a potential interview faster than a lack of confidence. For many people, standing up helps you to speak from a position of strength, but unless you want your webcam tilted up to the sky, you need a standing desk.

Standing desks are becoming increasingly more popular as more and more people work from home. It’s a great way to get in some exercise whilst working and increases blood flow which increases your concentration. Not only will a standing desk help you in an interview, but once you get the job, you’re going to appreciate using it day in and day out.

Desks such as the Standing Desk Pro Series E7 allow you to seamlessly transition between standing and sitting, with programmable desk heights to suit you as an individual. Just remember not to make the standing to sitting transition mid interview, as your interviewer may not quite understand whats happening.

Feel Comfortable In Yourself

It’s not enough to portray confidence, you need to feel comfortable too. Unfortunately, you’re not likely to feel comfortable sitting in a standard computer chair due to the back and neck strain you’ll be undergoing. Instead, you want to be sat at an ergonomic chair.

The FlexiChair BackSupport Office Chair BS8 for example, looks every bit the part for a professional interview, with some added bonuses. From breathable material, adjustable height and a smartly designed ergonomic style, this chair will practically pass your interview for you. After all, what could be more important than you feeling comfortable in your own home?

Need Anything Else? We Can Help

With a wide range of ergonomically designed products available as well as all the necessary accessories, we’re well positioned to help you not only with your next interview but for the rest of your career.

If you’re looking for more advice on what type of ergonomic furniture you need, or you just want a few design tips for your new home office, get in touch with us.