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How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

07 June 2022

Work can take a toll on your health and well-being, but if you don't take care of yourself, it will negatively affect your productivity and performance. Here are 7 ways you can boost your immune system from the comfort of your own home.

1. Eat clean

One of the best ways to boost your immune system is by eating cleaner. For example, there are foods that can help with increasing your white blood cells and immune system. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C are great for boosting your immune system. The following foods contain high levels of Vitamin C:

● Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime)

● Tomatoes and peppers (cooked tomatoes have higher levels)

● Green vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts)

● Nuts (Brazil nuts, almonds)

● Berries (strawberries) and tropical fruits (pineapple, papaya and guava)

2. Reduce exposure to pollution

Many people work in an environment where they are exposed to pollutants and carcinogens.

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that air pollution is linked to 3.2% of the global burden of disease, and is responsible for 3.1 million premature deaths worldwide. These pollutants or carcinogens can have a damaging effect on your immune system and cause a lot of health problems. Therefore, it's important that you do something about it so you don't keep exposing yourself to these pollutants.

Licorice root is a natural herb that researchers believe can help increase the activity of your white blood cells. Researchers have found that it works best when combined with other herbs, and this combination can be more effective than using just extracts from licorice root.

3. Exercise

Exercise is another great way to maintain your immune system. Exercising keeps the body fit and healthy, and it also improves your concentration, which makes you feel more motivated, energetic and alert. When your concentration is higher, you will feel more relaxed and less stressed.

There are many types of activities you can do to exercise, but walking is probably one of the best ways to go about exercising daily. This is because it's a low-impact activity that you can do anytime, anywhere. You don't need to join any gym or buy any equipment to stay fit and healthy. All you have to do is get out and walk for at least 30 minutes daily for the recommended minimum of 10,000 steps per day.

4. Learn relaxation techniques

We spend 8 hours a day sitting in front of our computers in front of our screens. When you're consistently sitting this long and your body is not moving the way it's supposed to, you can experience severe stiffness and back pain, which can also lead to mental stress from being unable to meet your deadlines or deliverables.

All of these symptoms just make your immune system weaker and more susceptible to illness.

5. Maintain your sleep hygiene

Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can actually suppress your immune system, which means you're more likely to fall ill with colds and flu. Although we all need a set amount of hours per night for the body to rest and be rejuvenated, your needs will depend on your age.

Getting enough sleep every night is vital for boosting your immune system. It's suggested that adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, although children under 12 years of age normally benefit from 8.5 hours. It can be hard to get enough sleep when working from home as a remote worker, but you can make it easier if you follow a routine like this every night before going to bed:

● Take about 20 minutes to wind down with a book or podcast - this will improve your mental focus and concentration levels, as well as help you relax and unwind.

● Try to do some light exercises just before bed - light cardio or yoga is a good option.

● Avoid using gadgets or computers for at least an hour before going to bed - the blue light from computer screens can keep you awake longer and affect your natural sleeping rhythm.

● Stop working at least 4 hours before going to bed - this means not checking emails and social media right before bedtime.

6. Get some sunlight

Proper sunlight exposure is vital for helping your body produce Vitamin D, which is a natural hormone that helps boost your immune system. This is because the sun's UV rays have antiseptic properties, and when you get enough of these rays on your skin, it will help kill any bacteria or viruses on your skin. If you don't get enough sunlight, you may experience unrestful sleep, as well as muscle aches and pains.

If you live in a place where there's not much sunlight during the winter months, consider getting a Vitamin D supplement because we all naturally produce it from the sun. If it's not possible to get enough sunlight on your skin every day, be sure to talk with your health professional about ways to boost your Vitamin D levels naturally through supplements.

7. Stay positive

Besides the fact that it's a lot easier to smile when you're happy, there are also studies that show how smiling can actually increase your immune system. So if you want to boost your immune system, try to smile more often and be more positive towards people.

In conclusion, it's vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, sleeping well and eating well. This is because it's important for you to stay active and maintain your good health. These factors are vital for helping your immune system stay healthy, which in turn helps boost your emotional well-being.

Good luck!