How To Prepare Your Workstation for The Week Ahead?

08 June 2022

After the pandemic of covid 19, half of the people started working from home, and a lot of them are still doing so. While working from home, people experience several difficulties, such as the location and set up of a workstation at home, where people get distracted by the things and people around. In such situations, despite having the working zeal, people remain unprepared for the coming week. It is better to make a few changes on Sunday to your workstation and increase your motivation and productivity.

1. Select the location for workstation wisely

The place is your home where you set your workstation matters a lot in keeping you focused and productive. If the work area is not comfortable and peaceful enough, you cannot pay enough attention to your work. If you have a spare room in your house, it would be best to convert it into an office. Otherwise, you can set your mini workstation in your living room as it is the most functional area of your home. Whatever place you choose, make sure the chair you use for sitting must has a wall behind it.

2. Organize your To-Do list

Preparing a to-do list is one of the most beneficial habits you can adopt in your life. Especially for Mondays, making a detailed to-do list can keep you more prepared and focused. You can also create it for each day of the week if your job is conducive to planning. However, to prepare a perfect and successful to-do list is to be realistic and specific about your tasks, goals, and deadlines. The more to the point your daily tasks and objectives are, the more likely you will complete them in the week ahead. If the action is written and cannot be completed in each time, it needs to get broken down into smaller and simpler tasks.

3. Schedule your week

Although Sunday is a day to enjoy your holiday with friends and family, it is an important day to plan your week. If you are serious about your work lifestyle, want to achieve something, and make positive changes, make sure to use Sundays properly. It does not mean to start working on Sunday but to do is prepare yourself for the week ahead. It is about making necessary arrangements and scheduling your week so you can remain focused, productive, and active throughout the week. Search for new and exciting ideas on relevant subjects to implement during the week and prepare a schedule.

4. Spruce up your desk

Making your workstation neat and clutter-free on Sundays is the first thing you should do as it makes you much more relaxed and ready. Starting a new week with a pile of unidentifiable papers is not a good idea, so try to sort your workstation before the weekend, so you have to put less effort on Sunday. Throw away all the sticky notes and rough notes with actions and tasks you have acquired throughout the week. Write the goals for next week and stick around. Clean your table and limit the accessories and stuff placed on the table. A clean and clutter-free workstation is relaxing and welcoming when starting a new week.

5. Clear your mailbox

It is the step you must perform before the weekend. Delete spam messages and star important messages as it makes it easy on Monday to see what has come in over during the weekend and what needs straight away working. A huge number of unread emails is a big cause of stress for most workers. However, starting a new week with everything cleared out will be a fresh start.

6. Think positive

It may sound a bit of a cliché but panicking about a week ahead on Sunday is not going to help anyone. Worrying in advance can affect sleep, which is why most people struggle to sleep well thinking about Monday. If you feel negative about the week ahead, think about your successes from the past week. Looking at things positively can have a huge effect on your work life. Therefore, it is necessary to manage all the necessary tasks on Sunday evening to help you keep relaxed and ready for Monday morning.

Final verdict

Very few working people feel happy to see Monday coming, but it does not mean you have to feel anxious for the week ahead. It is most likely that the stress and anxiety you feel on Monday are a byproduct of the lack of preparation for the entire coming week. To feel a little nervous to see the weekend go by is normal, therefore, it is important to feel prepared, energetic, and motivated towards your goals for the week ahead. By spending a few minutes being proactive on Sunday, you can set a perfect workstation and put yourself in a much better frame of mind.