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Five Empowerment Tips for Working Moms Who Stay At Home

10 October 2020

Here’s the thing: Since you are a mom, you have to juggle so many roles in a day. It starts in the morning when you have to cook breakfast while getting ready to work. When the inky evening comes, you begin to prepare dishes and clean up afterward.

Working moms who are sheltering at home are struggling. Forbes said that the pandemic is taking a toll on working moms as they have to get the bigger pie of parenting and domestic affairs.

There is a gender disparity when it comes to handling domestic chores and careers. A study from Washington University in St. Louis found early evidence that the pandemic has exacerbated — not improved — the gender gap in work hours. This setup could have enduring consequences for working mothers.

The study further posited that because of the situation, mothers could face long-term penalties at work. They might not even pursue higher positions to be able to adjust to the different dimensions of remote working. Worst, Forbes said promotions could be out of reach for stay-at-home moms.

Teamwork is a must

Fathers are expected to increase their household contributions. This study, entitled “COVID-19 and the gender gap in work hours,” discussed that previous research has shown that women and men equally perceive domestic tasks needing to be done. However, men are more likely to ignore these responsibilities, leaving them to be done by women partners.

Girl power!

You have the choice to see the gender gap issue in a dreary or hopeless light. But you are stronger than you think! And you can still be in control of your situation. Here, we rounded up a few life hacks to make your life easier.

1) Be open with your boss -- You can be clear with your boss about the work expectations. Since you are working from home, interruptions might be present here and there during calls or e-meetings.

This BBC article recommended that you can talk to your boss about having clear communications each day for work. Zoom meetings or Skype sessions in the morning can be helpful to align expectations for the day. You can also wrap up the workday with a quick e-meeting before the clock strikes 6 PM.

2) Talk to your children -- Overseeing child care and work at the same time can be crazy. The Muse said that you could give children the ability to choose some of their activities for the day. You can also prepare some self-serve meals so they can learn how to be independent. Another thing to teach children is the art of independent playingCTV News suggested setting aside 10 to 15 minutes of playtime when your kids can lead you to a game like puzzles or activity boxes. This kind of style allows you to get more time to finish work or have more me-time.

3) Create a to-do list -- Before you start working, you can make a list so you can prioritize your tasks for the day. You can start with your work deliverables and house chores. Do not forget to add an activity for yourself, too -- like enjoying a rejuvenating mask or finding the right playlist for the day.

4) Have a designated  work spot -- You can work anywhere in your home, right? Ideally, you need to set up your workstation. This physical boundary reinforces the signal that you are at work. You can add a touch of ergonomics in your office by buying a desk riser or a height-adjustable desk so you can change sit or stand throughout the day. Even if you are a busy mom, you still have to look out for yourself. The perks of having ergonomic furniture in your home office include having less body pain from prolonged sitting. With a pain-free body, you can do more activities for yourself and your family.

 Psychology Today summed it all up when it said that a healthy mom is a happier mom.

5) Take some breaks -- You deserve to pause and take a break throughout the day. Psychology Today said that by taking breaks like napping or meditating can be refreshing. It can restore your motivation, increase productivity and creativity, and improve skills to learn new things and consolidate memories.

You are loved more than you know!

It is okay if you feel like crying because you are tired. Letting out emotions is a healthy way to cope when things are too much to bear. Remember that you are a highly-esteemed woman, and you are stronger and smarter than you think.