Are You Ready To Go Freelance?

29 June 2022

Deciding To Go Freelance

Working freelance or self-employed has become a new reality for many of us as side gigs or total career overhauls have emerged post-pandemic. Freelance work offers us more flexibility and autonomy in our work, and greater space for development and adaptation to make our working lives suit our lifestyles. After so much upheaval, taking control over our working world and finding space to define exactly what we’re good at can be incredibly empowering. That said, freelancing also comes with its own struggles, and it's important to make sure you’re ready to make the move if you’ve been considering going freelance or quitting the day job. So, what questions should you ask yourself to determine if this is the year to become your own freelance boss?

Can I Sell My Talents?

It’s one thing to find your work niche when developing your freelance offering – and something you can’t start without. However, to be successful against your competition and maintain enough clients to ensure some level of stability and longevity, you also need to be able to sell yourself as a professional that your industry clients want to work with and can trust with their project.

Being able to shrug off imposter syndrome, sing your praises, and network broadly are key to building a positive reputation and selling yourself to prospective clients.

What Do I Have In My Place To Manage Work/Life Balance?

One of the greatest stumbling blocks for new freelancers is managing and maintaining a health work/life balance. With no boss or colleagues to keep an eye on you, or a separate workplace setting, it can be difficult to stay productive, and then switch off at the end of the day to allow downtime and time with loved ones.

Getting in the habit of setting a clear timetable for your day, keeping your workspace away from distractions, and ensuring you have opportunity to take yourself out of you work and living space to talk a walk, visit friends, or just change up your scenery can all help manage your work and life balance. These habits can also make sure you have tricks to stay motivated and focused – something that isn’t always easy to do, especially when you’re working under your own steam!

Am I Prepared Financially?

Aside from managing your own workload and fending off the working from home loneliness, freelancers need to be prepared to manage and file their own finances and keep an eye on their bank balance without panicking or becoming completely overwhelmed.

An accountant can be incredibly helpful when it comes to filing taxes, but even if you can afford this luxury, you’ll need to be up to date with your recording. You’ll also need to be honest about your ability to hold back savings and prepare futureproofing like pensions or smart investments as you’ll have no employer support.

Getting ahead of the game, keeping comprehensive and updated plans, and saving for all eventualities will be the best way to long-term freelance success.

How Will I Develop My Training Long Term?

To keep ahead of the game and sustain a freelance career, you need to be prepared to continually invest in your development to stay attractive to clients and feel in control of your projects. Working broadly across niches and different industries, learning from the expertise of others, and being open to new training and learning opportunities will put you in good stead.

Building transferable skills will also prepare you to break into new niches and broaden your offering as your freelance reputation develops. Don’t be afraid of new challenges or daunting projects – if you can feel secure in your ability to tackle new environments, you’ll know you’re ready for anything that comes over the freelance horizon.

Taking The Plunge

Deciding to move into freelance working – part time or full time – can be a big decision. Whilst the appeal of being your own boss, exploring your passions, and working from home are all highly attractive prospects to many of us, there’s also a lot to consider before taking the plunge.

However, if you take time to honestly consider your goals and capabilities, and ensure you prepare before making the switch, the transition can be a lot smoother. Set aside time in advance to decide how you will manage your workload and administration as a freelancer and look to develop a community of other professional freelancers that you can work with and share resources. When we have plans in place to help us feel supported in a job move, we can focus on what’s important – building the career we’ve always wanted.

When you’ve got your working plans in place, take a look around our product range to find your perfect home office setup, and know you’re on your way to absolute success.