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7 Ways to Relax Your Mind and Body at Home

24 September 2021

Every job is a stressful affair. No job is easy nor would it be always fulfilling. There would be times where you would think about taking a day off and never returning. While that sounds blissful, you may have stopped working but the bills would never stop coming at your door. This scenario would prove to be more stressful as you need to work in order to pay off every liability and loan that you may have accrued over the last years.

If quitting work and taking a lifelong vacation is not the wisest way to go, your home or apartment would always be waiting for you to come back. Although being at home should be a relaxing affair, some people are experiencing a hard time doing this. 

It may sound weird but this no-relaxation phenomenon does happen even in the comforts of their own home. So, what would be the best way to alleviate the stress of the day? Here are a few ways you can relax without resigning.

Prepare something you want to eat for a long time

Prepare something you want to eat for a long time

Just like a job, cooking while being very tired can be a stressful affair. It takes a ton of energy to focus on chopping up and preparing the ingredients. But what can you do now if you are tired yet hungry after work?

Instead of ordering takeout, you can have a pre-made meal that only takes a couple of minutes in the microwave. During the weekend, cook some meals that you have been craving for a while. Remember that what you put inside your body would be apparent in how you feel and look. It would be better to stick with healthier options. This would not only give you the needed nutrient but it could prove to be relaxing as well.

If you prefer eating light snacks, having an array of fruits at your disposal would be a tasty affair. Rice cakes and a few spreads, as well as seasonings, could also suffice as a light after-work snack at home.

Take a Soothing Bath

Take a Soothing Bath

More often than not, your body is sore and tight after a hard day at work. To counteract this, a soothing bath would be more than enough to loosen up.

Get yourself a selection of bath essentials like scented candles, salts, and bubbles to complete the bathing ritual. If your nose is not highly sensitive to scents, bask in the wonders of aromatherapy! Lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus could help you get the much-needed sleep that you have been missing out on. Vanilla, jasmine, and ylang-ylang, on the other hand, blanket you in warmth and comfort that you crave for. Either way, the aforementioned scents would guarantee everyone who uses them a mighty good time while soaking up on the warm waters. 

Get in Your Best Home Clothes

Get in Your Best Home Clothes

Who says that you have to wear the ugliest pair of pyjamas while at home? Treat yourself a little kinder and buy some lounge clothes that are not only cute but also well-made.

To feel very comfortable, look for soft cotton that would never be itchy nor too hot as you wear it to sleep. Satin and silk would be perfect for those who want to feel expensive. Stay clear from the clothes that are itchy or with questionable handiwork since it would only prove to be costly as you wear and tear such clothing.

No Work At Home

No Work At Home

Have clear boundaries for whenever you are at home. Once you have stepped foot out of the office, your responsibilities end there. This is a crucial tip since bringing the stressors of your work into the home would render it an equally stressful place for you. Your body would have no distinction of where work begins and ends since you have taken it upon yourself to be worried about the tasks anywhere you go.

Treat Yourself

Treat Yourself

Shopping is always a great stress reliever and technology has taken it to the next level. It is now within our reach as the mall is now in our palms thanks to our smartphones. Remember, there is nothing wrong with shopping from time to time. After all, you have worked so hard and you deserve to have nice things too! To guarantee that you are not going over your finances, remember to allocate 60% of your salary to bills and utilities. Save 20% of that for your emergency funds and other accounts. Finally, the last 20% would be the cash you spend on your extracurricular activities and lifestyle. This could be a brand new standing desk from FlexiSpot that you have been eyeing for so long. 

All in all, always remember that you also need to only spend the cash that you have. This would prevent unpaid loans with increasing interests that could drown you in debt later on. For those who would love to try gambling in the stock market, only give out money that you can afford to lose.



It may seem counterproductive but sweating and moving would raise your happy hormone levels. You may feel a twinge of sluggishness at first since your body is not used to the new activity levels you are pushing it into. However, once you have turned this chance to work out as a habit, you will always look forward to your sweat sessions.

Prepare something you want to eat for a long time

Have Someone Around

And finally, have a companion that would make you excited to return home. It could be your spouse, roommate turned best friend, or even a pet.

Having someone or something to look forward to getting home would prove to be very relaxing for you since you will have someone to personally talk to, play with, and even sleep together with them.

Final Thoughts

Having a job is never easy all the time. It requires your effort and physical being which could prove to be draining at the end of every day. But with the 7 ways above, you will truly feel a complete relaxation that you have been deprived of for so long.