5 Ways You Can Minimize Distractions While Working From Home

16 February 2022

Working from the comfort of your own home is no longer a scenario only a selected few can get to experience. Frankly, it’s everywhere, and while the benefits are obvious, keeping your focus at home while working can be one of the most challenging things.

And if that’s something you're struggling with, in this article, we will go over five ways you can minimize distractions while working from home.

1) Establish Clear Boundaries

When we go to the office, we know what needs to be done and when. While working from home can give us the necessary space to slack and postpone tasks until we’re stressed and overwhelmed.

If the structure you had in the office helped you stay productive, develop one's similar for working from home and don’t break it. That way, you will stay focused and tick off your tasks a whole lot quicker.

But first, you need to determine what aspects of the office life worked for you and helped you achieve your day-to-day goals, then adapt those to suit you when working from home. This can be anything from setting out your tasks for the day the day before or organizing and implementing boundaries with your family.

Setting specific boundaries that work for you and your personal life will help you achieve and maintain all that you have set out for yourself.

It is important to take time to set boundaries and make them clear, think about when you work best and what allows you to be most productive. If you work best in the morning, save the most tedious tasks for then.

2) Use a Calendar and a To-Do List

Oftentimes, the list in your head can seem a lot longer than it actually is. Writing down what you need to do or typing it out is a good way to declutter your mind and create a plan for the day or week.

Using a to-do list and calendar to remember important dates and tasks will help you remain focused and keep you on track.

This helps eliminate any distracting thoughts or personal to-do’s that may steer you away from your day's work.

3) Avoid Watching TV and Household Chores During the Workday

It may seem tempting to get a headstart on the endless chores you may have to do around the house but do not allow yourself to be led astray.

When you allow yourself to become distracted by household chores or Netflix, when you are meant to be working, you are disrupting those boundaries you set, which will make getting into routine difficult.

While you may think you can multitask, multitasking actually decreases productivity because it takes extra time for your brain to switch between different tasks.

It is important to keep your boundaries and be strict with them, especially in the beginning. The only time you should be making exceptions is when it is time for you to take time for lunch, check-in with your family, or do a quick 30 minute workout.

4) Set Timers

Creating time blocks/deadlines for certain work tasks will help you to create a matter of urgency to get things done. It ensures that you will not get distracted from other tasks and social media.

By being disciplined and sticking within your time zones, you will be able to get work done as well as enjoy your free time when the workday is over.

Keep reminding yourself that the internet, social media, or that Amazon shopping cart will still be there when you are done.

5) Know Your Distractions

By identifying your triggers of distraction, you know what you need to avoid in order to stay on track with your work.

By doing this, you are eliminating everything that could take your attention away from work and allow you to focus on what needs to be done when the workday begins.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that the sooner you get your work done, the sooner you can get out of your home office and connect with your children, spend time with your friends, or exercise.


We face distractions every day. And unfortunately, as a result, they decrease our productivity and increase our stress levels.

By trying to consciously control the things that distract you, you will be able to get more done.

Adjusting to a new work environment can be challenging, especially if your new office is two meters away from your bedroom.

By using these tips and techniques, you will be able to eliminate distractions and remain productive while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.