5 Very Simple Lifestyle Habits You Can Adopt to Improve Your Health

15 November 2022

Taking care of your health is important, and you should be doing more than the bare minimum to look after yourself. Eating your fruits and vegetables and getting exercise each day is great, but there are many smaller things you should be doing each day to maintain your overall physical and mental wellness.

Good health is complex and requires tiny changes to daily habits that you might not have thought of. Doing these small things will give you more energy, focus, and happiness.

These changes may seem insignificant, but they provide big improvements when it comes to your health. These are the top five things you should adapt to your daily routine.

1. Get the Proper Amount of Sleep

There are so many drawbacks that come along with getting too little sleep at night. In fact, skipping out on just one hour of sleep can increase your risk of obesity by 23%.

Every night you should aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. This may mean you need to skip your morning workout or sleep in every once in a while, but it is worth it to not lose out on some much-needed sleep.

If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, you should try these 10 things before going to bed, which will help you develop healthy sleeping habits.

It is important to remember that you need around 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, so plan your evenings accordingly. You cannot slack on this because sleep is an important factor in regard to your physical and mental well-being.

2. Get Up and Moving Throughout Your Day

Vigorous daily exercise is crucial to your health and wellness. However, it is not going to fend off the negative effects of a mainly sedentary lifestyle which often comes when you have a desk job. In fact, the benefits of some exercises can actually be negated by extended daily periods of sitting down.

For this reason, it is extremely important to move throughout your day. You can invest in something that promotes daily movement, such as a step tracker or a height-adjustable desk.

You can start using the stairs instead of elevators, taking short walks at the start of each hour, and doing stretches that get you up and out of your chair. No matter what you choose to do, ensure to add movement into your workday.

3. Stay Hydrated by Drinking Water

Have you drunk any water recently? If you have not, you should go get yourself a glass right now and get started on hydrating yourself.

Staying properly hydrated is vital for your health. Ideally, you should be drinking around 1.8 litres of water each day, which is similar to 8 cups containing about 236 mL of water daily.

Drinking enough water will give you more energy, clearer skin, and even promote weight loss. A great way to stay on top of your hydration is to get a large water bottle that tracks how much water you have drank throughout the day, set alarms to remind yourself to drink water, and reward yourself when you have reached certain hydration goals.

You can also add flavours to your water to make it more palatable, such as adding in lemon or other citrus fruit slices. Whatever you choose to do, it does not matter, as long as you are staying properly hydrated throughout the day.

4. Take a Probiotic

Knowing which supplements are necessary to take and which are not can be rather confusing. However, one supplement is important to take each day, and that is a probiotic.

A healthy gut is crucial to your overall well-being. Gut health affects your mood and immune system, and a healthy gut will lead to an improved mood and a strong immune system.

You should look into ingesting a high-quality probiotic each day to improve your body’s microbiome. This will allow you to feel better overall throughout your day.

It is important to take care of yourself in little ways, even if that means adding a good quality yoghurt to your meal plan each day.

5. Correct Your Posture

Having a great posture is of great importance for your overall health and wellness. Proper posture also helps to prevent aches and reduce any stress placed on your ligaments. It also prevents backaches, fatigue, and muscle pain.

To train yourself to maintain good posture, you can leave little notes to yourself that remind you to sit up straight and fix your posture. This will create an unconscious habit so that, eventually, you will have proper posture without thinking about it.

Walking with your shoulders back and your head held high is also a form of proper posture and is great for the body, and it also boosts your confidence.

Posture is not something that can be corrected immediately. It takes time. It is worth it, though, as it will positively affect your health. Check out these 5 common postural mistakes we all make. They should give you a good idea of what you need to correct for a healthy posture.


The important takeaway from this list is that you need to take care of yourself, even in small ways that may seem insignificant. These seemingly small things have a big impact on your physical and mental health, so make the changes as soon as possible.

There are many other small things you can start to do each day to better your well-being, but these five are a good place to start. Eventually, you should look into other changes you can make, like taking the proper vitamins.

It may seem like a lot at first, but these changes are fairly easy to implement into your everyday routine.