5 Top Tips To Be More Eco-Friendly As You WFH

25 March 2022

As we start to emerge from the Covid pandemic, many of us are slowly returning to the office. However, for the vast majority of us, our work life looks very different from what it was pre-pandemic. Many businesses are taking the opportunity to transition their workforce to either full-time work from home or a hybrid work model (where you attend the office for a few days a week and then work at home for the rest). As workers will be spending more time in their home office, it makes sense to take as many steps as possible to ensure that this space is eco-friendly. Whether you are working at the kitchen table, sitting on the sofa, or have converted a spare room into your office, there are plenty of ways to make your WFH office space greener. Here, we share some tips to help you along the way.

1. Be Mindful Of Your Energy Usage 

With some lasting cold snaps over the winter, it has been tempting to turn the heating up to keep us warm at home. But as gas prices look set to continue rising, this could present a financial, as well as environmental, problem long-term. Over half of our household fuel bills are made up of heating and hot water, so how can we stay warm while protecting the planet and our wallets?

Make use of timers and adjustable room thermostats to ensure that you are only heating areas of the house that you are using. If you are going to be sitting in your office all day, it is pointless paying to heat the rest of your house. You could even use a small portable heater to warm up your office space and switch the central heating off. Even small changes can make a massive difference, so consider turning your thermostat down just one degree, you will barely even notice, and you could slash your energy bill by up to 10%!

Dress up with layers of clothing to keep the core of your body warm. You can also use blankets and a hot water bottle if you are feeling particularly cold. Frequent desk breaks are essential for your physical and mental health, and they can also help to keep you warm by getting the blood flowing around your body.

Be mindful of your electricity usage as well. Unplug your electronics when not in use and take advantage of natural light when you can.

2. Invest In Eco-Friendly Office Supplies

The world is growing more eco-conscious day by day and one of the benefits to this is the vast supply of new, more eco-friendly supplies. And the office is no exception! Search for office supplies that are zero waste, biodegradable, recycled, and recyclable. For example, there are plenty of sustainable pens made from natural or recycled materials, or you could swap your traditional notebook for a reusable paperless option. Remember to recycle and reuse wherever you can.

3. Introduce Some Plants  

Adding some attractive and low-maintenance house plants into your home office space can help to boost your mood, enhance your productivity and improve air quality. You could even add a splash of colour to your space by opting for a flowering plant in a vibrant shade.

If you struggle to find the time to look after house plants and want something very easy to maintain, consider succulents or cacti - perfect to spruce up your space with minimal effort!

4. Plan Meals To Avoid Food Waste

Food waste is a real problem, but working from home gives you the ideal opportunity to take control of the food that you buy. By planning your weekly meals carefully and efficiently, you will be able to minimise the amount of food that goes to waste in your household. Browse the internet and find some ideas for using up leftover food before you resort to putting it in the bin. There are also plenty of food waste apps that you can download to give you some great ideas. Working from home means you can easily turn last night's leftovers into today’s tasty lunch!

When food shopping, opt for plastic-free and zero waste options where possible. Only buy what you need and remember to take your own shopping bags! By preparing your meals at home you can do your bit by cutting down on emission miles.

5. Go Paperless

Take advantage of any options for going paperless, whether professional or personal. Avoid printing where ever you can by converting everything into digital copies. Most bills can be sorted out digitally these days, and you can create an e-signature, allowing you to sign any documents digitally as well.

Final Thoughts

By making some small but significant changes, you can help to reduce your household footprint, protect the environment, and save yourself some money along the way!