5 Reasons WFH Improves Mental Health

29 October 2021

Over the last couple of years, most organizations have embraced the idea of working from home. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, working remotely wasn’t something new to some organizations. However, the pandemic has accelerated the idea, with more organizations shifting to remote workstations. According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of people working from home increased from 27% in 2019 to 37% in 2020. This can largely be attributed to the lockdowns that ensued, leaving many with no other option but to work remotely.

For some organizations, working from home may have sounded unattainable but that is changing. Most are not only seeing an improvement in productivity, but also improved mental wealth for their workers. Wondering what is the relationship between working from home and improved mental health? Here are 5 reasons working from home improves mental health.

1. You Have Control over Your Work Environment

While organizations may provide a favourable work environment, the environment may not necessarily suit all your needs. Ideally, the employer looks into the basic needs of the majority, leaving you with no control over the general work environment.

Certain aspects usually dictated by your employer such as office furniture, space, lighting, and temperature are beyond your control. These factors determine the stability of your mental health and can affect the quality of your work.

Working from home gives you full autonomy, allowing you to organize and personalize your remote workstation based on your taste and preferences. You can choose standard furniture such as an ergonomic chair to give you the comfort you need as you work from home. You can also regulate your lighting and temperature to suit your specific needs.

Similarly, you can move to a different part of your house and avoid noise and other distractions, as opposed to a traditional office setup where you have to put up with the working environment as it is.  With a convertible desk, you can choose a quiet and comfortable place that lets you concentrate on your assignments, something that may not be achieved in a traditional office setup. As a result, your mind relaxes, allowing you to concentrate on your work, eventually improving your mental health.


2. Flexibility to Take Care of Family Members

If you have a family, then you know how tough it can get as you try to juggle work and family responsibilities. While leaving your kids or older relatives under the care of a caregiver may seem okay, being around them tends to give you peace of mind. Ideally, some distractions may occur as you leave your family with a caregiver, and this may consequently affect your productivity.

Working from home appears to eliminate these distractions, as you can relax knowing that your family is safe. Even though you may have to hire a caregiver, being around your family lets your mind relax, and this contributes to improved mental health.

3. You Can Take a Break if Overwhelmed

As opposed to working in an office setup where you have fixed working hours, working from home allows you to choose how and when to work. As such, you get to work when you are most productive, saving you unnecessary stress.

In addition, your work-life balance is enhanced, which in turn promotes a healthy life, both physically and mentally. You also get to relax when you feel overwhelmed, and only work when you are ready.

4. No Commuting Hustles

One factor that affects your mental health is commuting to and from work. With the congested bus terminus and the time spent on the road, you are likely to get to your office already tired and stressed. Similarly, the noise in public places may not be comfortable, and may equally affect how you handle your tasks for the rest of the day.  

With a remote workstation, the hustles and bustles of commuting are eliminated, giving you the freedom to work at your preferred time, without the need to commute.     

5. Reduced Stress Levels

According to a recent survey, working from home reduces stress levels by 75%. Working from home helps you manage your time, as you can create a flexible work plan. You decide when to work and when to rest, as well as when to exercise.   Having control over your work schedule plays an important role in improving your mental health.

You can plan your day, and set specific times to work, as you dedicate the rest of the day to other activities including taking care of your family, exercising, and relaxing. This not only increases your job satisfaction but also reduces burnout. Consequently, stress levels are reduced, leading to an improvement in your mental health.   

The Takeaway

As you set up your remote workstation, you must consider the type of furniture you use. Having standard furniture not only makes you physically comfortable, but also plays a major role in relaxing your mind, thereby improving your mental health.

We Can Help

At FlexiSpot, your health is our concern. With our standard furniture, we are committed to improving both your physical and mental health. Contact us at +44 204 5187 138 to place your order, and our dedicated team will guide you through our selection.