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5 Practical Tips to Help You Move More Throughout the Day

06 December 2022

If you’re anything like the average person, you probably spend most your day sitting down. Whether you’re at your desk at work, in your car, or on the sofa at home, it’s easy to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle. And while there’s nothing wrong with taking a break and sitting down, it’s important to make sure that you’re moving your body and getting enough physical activity throughout the day.

There are countless benefits to being physically active, including reducing your risk of chronic diseases, improving your mental health, and boosting your energy levels. But if you’re not used to being active, it's hard to know how to get started.

Here are 5 practical tips to help you move more throughout the day.

Tip #1: Get moving at your desk

Your workstation can be one of the easiest places to sneak in some physical activity throughout the day. Start by programming your height adjustable desk or desk convertor to get you on your feet while you work.

Whether you’re working on your computer, on a report, or on some correspondence, try standing up every hour. You can even set a timer so that every hour, you get up and take a quick walk around the office for about 5 minutes.

Tip #2: Walk around to meet or talk with co-workers

If your office is all on one floor, try walking over to a colleague’s desk instead of emailing them or picking up the phone. You can also leave the office and go for a walk and check in with people face-to-face instead of sending group chats and emails. These small movements throughout the day can add up!

Take the stairs or a short walk around the building when you need to go somewhere else on your floor. It's a great habit to have, even at the end of a long day. If your building has a lift, try to use it only if you’re going up more than two floors.

While you eat your lunch, take a walk around the office or out in the sunshine - it’s a great way to get some fresh air and stretch your legs. For more motivation, wear a fitness tracker that can track how many steps you take during the day!

Tip #3: Get active doing chores around the house

While there are lots of ways to get more active at work, sometimes it's difficult to get moving at home as well. Fortunately, you don't have to break the bank to get some physical activity

To get some movement in your day, try working out at home before you go to work. If you’re on your feet all day, doing strength training or any other movement is a great way to help improve blood flow and help fight fatigue. Why not consider taking up yoga for increased flexibility?

Work up a sweat while you do your washing. While you’re waiting for a laundry load to finish, take a walk around the block instead of sitting in front of the TV. You can also take the dog for a walk or do some gardening.

Tip #4: Set an example for your family members

You can be the role model in your home, so set a good example by getting moving every day. If you show your family that being active is important, they’re more likely to get active themselves! Try to get up and move around while you watch TV with the family (perhaps during the adverts, so you don't miss anything!) and make sure they know the importance of getting exercise in their lives.

Have a 3-minute dance party in your living room. Grab your spouse and/or kids, and dance around before you all go out for a night on the town or have a family dinner together - it can be a great way to add movement into your day.

For midweek grocery top ups, try to walk to the supermarket instead of driving. This is one of the easiest ways to sneak in some extra movement into your day. If you end up driving, park further away from the front entrance

Tip #5: Move more while waiting

When you have a few minutes on your hands and you’re waiting for something, it’s natural to just sit around or stand in place. But if you need to get some movement in your day and eliminate some downtime, why not multitask, and get moving while you wait?

Obviously, this might not be suitable while you’re waiting for colleagues, or at the dentist for an appointment. But if you’ve got a few minutes to kill while you’re on hold with the bank, stand up and do some basic stretches to improve circulation and get your blood flowing.

The bottom line is that everyone needs to get up and move more. Sitting down all day puts undue stress on the body and can lead to health risks. You could sit down in one position for most of the day, but you don’t have to - it's way better to be active, for the sake of your physical and mental health!